SuperHouse / AirQualitySensorD1Mini

Particulate Matter Sensor firmware for a Plantower PMS5003 connected to a Wemos D1 Mini
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Sensor does not respond to sleep request #3

Open Hobohome opened 4 years ago

Hobohome commented 4 years ago

This might just be my sensor, but the fan remains on after the pms.sleep() instruction is issued. As a workaround, I connected the hardware sleep pin of the sensor (pin3) to a spare IO pin on the D1, then pull this pin low when the sensor needs to sleep. This stops the fan and I can see the current draw drop to a few milliamps until it is restarted.

I did check that the issued serial command was being sent by the D1 - it just seems to be ignored by the PMS5003?? I note that in the video we see the (very cool wifi) power supply drop the current output, but did the fan stop? Great project BTW - I love it (wifie hates it as I have Openhab reminding her to turn on the kitchen extractor fan when cooking) :-)

jonoxer commented 4 years ago

The fan definitely turns off with my sensors when I issue the pms.sleep() instruction. My best guess is that we have different versions of the PMS5003. Last time I checked there were about 7 different versions, all physically identical but with slightly different firmware so the pins behave differently. For example, there's a version that uses the comms pins for I2C, and others that expose different modes or features. There's a lot of overlap between them which is really confusing. Maybe you have a version that requires hardware control of the fan, and doesn't respond to software control.