SuperHouse / AirQualitySensorD1Mini

Particulate Matter Sensor firmware for a Plantower PMS5003 connected to a Wemos D1 Mini
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README: MODE_BUTTON_PIN button change #6

Open pfeerick opened 4 years ago

pfeerick commented 4 years ago

Don't you just hate it when that voice at the back of your head is telling you that you forgot something, and you can't tell what it is!! I was thinking when I pushed the other PR that there was still something missing... I unfortunately noticed this AFTER assembly, so it's a good thing there is a config file ;) ... but... IT'S ALIVE now! :smile:

I may end up doing one or two more PRs around button debouncing/state-locking and putting the OLED to sleep after inactivity once I fully come to grips the code and how I want to run this. Thanks for the great video walkthoughs btw :wink: ... wouldn't have even known these handy sensors were around without it.

MODE_BUTTON_PIN was changed from D7 (GPIO13) to D3 (GPIO0).