SuperHouse / esp-open-rtos

Open source FreeRTOS-based ESP8266 software framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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sdk_wifi_promiscuous_enable #327

Open mehdilauters opened 7 years ago

mehdilauters commented 7 years ago

Hi, I already done one project using the promiscuous mode of the esp based on the official espressif sdk, but I cannot make it working using the rtos sdk. I cannot find any information on the wiki nor web. The result is that the promisc_cb is never called

#include "wpa_handshake.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "espressif/esp_common.h"

void channelHop()
  // 1 - 13 channel hopping
  uint8_t new_channel = sdk_wifi_get_channel() % 12 + 1;

void frc1_interrupt_handler(void)

void promisc_cb(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) {

void enable_monitor() {
  timer_set_frequency(FRC1, 10);
  timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, true);
  timer_set_run(FRC1, true);


void wpa_handshake_reset() {

void scanmap_task(void *pvParameters) {
 // wait a little bit in order to be sure the init is done ( no system_init_done_cb within rtos sdk ) 
  vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );
  while(true) {
    vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS );

void wpa_handshake_init() {

  timer_set_interrupts(FRC1, false);
  timer_set_run(FRC1, false);
  _xt_isr_attach(INUM_TIMER_FRC1, frc1_interrupt_handler);

  xTaskCreate(scanmap_task, (const char *)"scanmap_task", 512, NULL, 3, NULL);//1024,866


Thank you for any information


mehdilauters commented 7 years ago

After several tests the problem was from another part of code. Sorry for the issue

mehdilauters commented 7 years ago

Actually it was working with the non os sdk, but still not with the rtos sdk: the callback is never called, as when the promiscuous mode is initialized within the user_init function and not in the system_init_done_cb callback in the non rtos sdk

andrewclink commented 7 years ago

This is because sdk_wifi_set_promiscuous_rx_cb does not work. I think it's in a blob somewhere.

As a work-around, you can put extern sdk_wifi_promiscuous_cb_t sdk_promiscuous_cb in your code and then set sdk_promiscuous_cb manually.

nickw444 commented 6 years ago

Been mucking around with this for the last day or so, but unable to get promiscuous mode to work - My ESP appears to do one of two things randomly as soon as I make a call to sdk_wifi_promiscuous_enable(1). It either:

  1. Performs a WDT reset (I imagine due to a hang)
  2. Hangs and does not reset

Interestingly enough, running similar code in Arduino/PlatformIO environment does not exhibit this problem. I was really looking forward to using esp-open-rtos for this project.

pxdelta commented 6 years ago

Exactly as @andrewclink quoted. extern sdk_wifi_promiscuous_cb_t sdk_promiscuous_cb; sdk_promiscuous_cb=my_promiscuous_rx_callback; For me the callback worked. But it locks the system and generates several reset when enabling promiscuous mode. If anyone has a solution I'll listen.

nickw444 commented 6 years ago

Yep would love to know if there's a solution for this. I'm sad I had to go back to Arduino/PIO for my project.

ourairquality commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately these paths appear to call back into the C library, such as malloc() which is not safe in that context, so promiscuous mode is not expected to work without some significant work-arounds. The main code path goes to some length to store packets in a safe pool in the NMI contect and then later safely moves them to another pool, and that might be necessary.