SuperHouse / esp-open-rtos

Open source FreeRTOS-based ESP8266 software framework
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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i2c + ATTiny85 communication failure: Arbitration error #611

Open oschreibke opened 6 years ago

oschreibke commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to connect an ESP8266 to ATTiny85 development boards. The ATTiny does not have built in I2C support, so I'm using the tinywireS arduino library.

The hardware I built works for an Arduino sketch with the Wire library, and also a LUA program, but the ESP Open RTOS version fails. All three programs have similar functionality: Scan the i2c bus for devices, then issue commands to have the ATTinys position their attached servo.

In the RTOS version: scanning for the devices works, but sending commands doesn't. If I enable the debugging (I2C_DEBUG true), the program reports an Arbitration error on the write command. The behaviour seems similar to that reported in issue #429. The last commit on the esp-open-rtos library which I cloned a few days ago was 0fa4213577c7e5b82d51c46a80bd4d89fe02c5de.

Am I doing something stupid, or is this another manifestation of the timing difficulties in the I2C library?

Messages from the esp Open RTOS program:

 Scanning the i2c bus
 I2C: Bus 0 Write Error
 .. repeated
 I2C: Bus 0 Write Error
 Found i2c device at address 10
 Found i2c device at address 11
 I2C: Bus 0 Write Error
 .. repeated
 I2C: Bus 0 Write Error
 start_ServoController reinit the bus after scanning
 Getting response from 10
 I2C: Read Error
 I2C: arbitration lost in i2c_stop from bus 0 
 Call to i2c_slave_read(10, null, status, 1) failed, returned -5
 I2C: arbitration lost in i2c_start from bus 0
 I2C: arbitration lost in i2c_write_bit from bus 0
 I2C: arbitration lost in i2c_write_bit from bus 0
 I2C: Read Error
 Call to i2c_slave_read(10, null, angle, 1) failed, returned -5
 Received status 0, value 0, from slave 10.
 Terminating task 'start_ServoController' (me)

The relevant ESP Open RTOS code:

// ServoController.h


//#include <timers.h>

// #ifndef ServoInfo
typedef struct ServoInfo {
    uint8_t iicAddress;
    bool moving;
    bool on;
    uint8_t onAngle;
    uint8_t offAngle;
    uint8_t status;
    uint8_t angle;
    uint16_t movementDelay;
} ServoInfo;
// #endif

void ServoController_task(void *pvParameters);
void MoveServo(uint8_t slaveAddress, uint8_t angle);
bool GetSlaveResponse(struct ServoInfo *slaveInfo);
void start_ServoController(void);

// ServoController.c

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"

#include <i2c/i2c.h>
//#include "i2c.h"

//#ifndef ServoInfo
//typedef struct ServoInfo {
//uint8_t iicAddress;
//bool moving;
//bool on;
//uint8_t onAngle;
//uint8_t offAngle;
//uint8_t status;
//uint8_t angle;
//uint16_t movementDelay;
//} ServoInfo;

#include "ServoController.h"

#define SCL_PIN  5
#define SDA_PIN  4

#define IICBUS 0

#define SLAVE1_ADDRESS 0x10
#define SLAVE2_ADDRESS 0x11

#define SECOND (1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)

SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphore = NULL;

struct ServoInfo servoInfo[2] = {{SLAVE1_ADDRESS, false, false, 45, 135, 0, 0, 10 * 1000},
    {SLAVE2_ADDRESS, false, false, 40, 140, 0, 0, 10 * 1000}

bool GetSlaveResponse(struct ServoInfo *slaveInfo) {
    //char c;

    //uint8_t tmp = slaveInfo->iicAddress;

    ////Serial.printf("Wire.requestFrom(%x);\r\n", tmp);

    //Wire.requestFrom(tmp, (uint8_t) 2);    // request 2 bytes from slave device

    //// wait for (at least) two bytes to arrive
    //while (Wire.available() < 2) {

    //slaveInfo->status = (uint8_t);  // receive a byte as character
    //slaveInfo->angle = (uint8_t);  // receive a byte as character

    bool status = true;
    uint8_t slaveStatus = slaveInfo->status;
    uint8_t slaveAngle = slaveInfo->angle;

    if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE ) {

        int rc = i2c_slave_read(IICBUS, slaveInfo->iicAddress, NULL, &slaveStatus, sizeof(slaveStatus));
        if (rc == 0) {
            slaveInfo->status = slaveStatus;
        } else {
            printf("Call to i2c_slave_read(%x, null, status, 1) failed, returned %d\n", slaveInfo->iicAddress, rc);
            status = false;

        rc = i2c_slave_read(IICBUS, slaveInfo->iicAddress, NULL, &slaveAngle, sizeof(slaveAngle));
        if (rc == 0) {
            slaveInfo->angle = slaveAngle;
        } else {
            printf("Call to i2c_slave_read(%x, null, angle, 1) failed, returned %d\n", slaveInfo->iicAddress, rc);
            status = false;

        xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

    printf("Received status %u, value %u, from slave %x.\r\n", slaveInfo->status, slaveInfo->angle, slaveInfo->iicAddress);

    return status;

void MoveServo(uint8_t slaveAddress, uint8_t angle) {
    //Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress); // transmit to device #8
    //Wire.write(angle);              // sends one byte
    //if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0) {    // stop transmitting

    if( xSemaphoreTake( xSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdTRUE ) {

        int rc = i2c_slave_write(IICBUS, slaveAddress, NULL, &angle, sizeof(uint8_t));
        if (rc == 0) {
            printf("Sent %u to slave %x.\r\n", angle, slaveAddress);
        } else {
            printf("Send to slave %x failed, returned %d.\r\n", slaveAddress, rc);
        xSemaphoreGive( xSemaphore );

void ServoController_task(void * pSlaveInfo) {
    for(;;) {
        struct ServoInfo * slaveInfo = (struct ServoInfo *) pSlaveInfo;

        // have we reached the end of travel?
        slaveInfo->moving = !( slaveInfo->angle == slaveInfo->onAngle || slaveInfo->angle == slaveInfo->offAngle );
        if ( !slaveInfo->moving ) {
            // wait for the delay to elapse
            //if (milliTick) {
            if (!--slaveInfo->movementDelay) {
                slaveInfo->movementDelay = 10 * 1000;
                //Serial.print("servoOn: "); Serial.println(servoOn);
                slaveInfo->on = ! slaveInfo->on;
                MoveServo(slaveInfo->iicAddress, (uint8_t)(slaveInfo->on ? slaveInfo->onAngle : slaveInfo->offAngle));
                //Serial.print("servoOn: "); Serial.println(servoOn);

void start_ServoController(void) {
    bool initOK = true;

    xSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();

    printf("%s: calling i2cInit\n", __func__);
    printf("SCL_PIN: %d, SDA_PIN: %d\n", SCL_PIN, SDA_PIN);

    i2c_init(IICBUS, SCL_PIN, SDA_PIN, I2C_FREQ_100K);

    printf("%s: waiting 10 sec for slaves to initialise.\n", __func__);
    vTaskDelay(10 * SECOND); // give the slaves time to initialise

    printf("Scanning the i2c bus\n");
    uint8_t addr;
    for (addr = 0x08; addr < 128; addr++) {
        uint8_t dummy = 90;
        // Write data to slave
        if (i2c_slave_write(IICBUS, addr, NULL, &dummy, sizeof(dummy))==0) {
            printf("Found i2c device at address %02X\n", addr);

    printf("%s reinit the bus after scanning\n", __func__);
    i2c_init(IICBUS, SCL_PIN, SDA_PIN, I2C_FREQ_100K);

    printf("Getting response from %x\r\n", servoInfo[0].iicAddress);
    initOK = initOK & GetSlaveResponse(&servoInfo[0]);

    //printf("Getting response from %x\r\n", servoInfo[1].iicAddress);
    //initOK = initOK & GetSlaveResponse(&servoInfo[1]);

    if (initOK) {

        MoveServo(servoInfo[0].iicAddress, (uint8_t)(servoInfo[0].on ? servoInfo[0].onAngle : servoInfo[0].offAngle));
        //MoveServo(servoInfo[1].iicAddress, (uint8_t)(servoInfo[1].on ? servoInfo[1].onAngle : servoInfo[1].offAngle));

        vTaskDelay(10 * SECOND); // give the slaves time to position

        printf("setup() complete.\n");

        printf("create ServoController_tasks\n");
        // Create user interface task
        xTaskCreate(ServoController_task, "ServoController_task_1", 256, (void *)&servoInfo[0], 2, NULL);
        //xTaskCreate(ServoController_task, "ServoController_task_2", 256, (void *)&servoInfo[1], 2, NULL);

    printf("Terminating task 'start_ServoController' (me)\n");

The Arduino code:

 * ESP8266_iic_ServoController.ino
 * Copyright 2017 Otto Schreibke <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * The license can be found at

// pins
// Can't use GPIO16 for interrupta
// GPIO14 Interrupt (Slave data ready)

#define LEDPIN 2
#define INTERRUPT_PIN 14
#define SLAVE1_ADDRESS 0x10
#define SLAVE2_ADDRESS 0x11

#define SERVO_OFF_ANGLE 135
#define SERVO_ON_ANGLE 45

#include <Wire.h>

uint8_t servoAngle = SERVO_OFF_ANGLE;
volatile bool slaveHasData = false;
//uint16_t movementDelay = 10 * 1000; // wait 10 sec before moving the servo again
uint32_t lastMillis = millis();
uint16_t nextHeartbeat = 0;
bool LEDPINStatus = false;

typedef struct ServoInfo {
    uint8_t iicAddress;
    bool moving;
    bool on;
    uint8_t onAngle;
    uint8_t offAngle;
    uint8_t status;
    uint8_t angle;
    uint16_t movementDelay;
} ServoInfo;

struct ServoInfo servoInfo[2] = {{SLAVE1_ADDRESS, false, false, 45, 135, 0, 0, 10 * 1000},
    {SLAVE2_ADDRESS, false, false, 40, 140, 0, 0, 10 * 1000}

// interrupt handler for pin change (a Slave is signalling data ready)
void pinChange() {
    //Serial.printf("pinChange Interrupt fired.\r\n"); // servoMoving: %s\n", (servoMoving ? "True" : "False"));
    slaveHasData = true;

void MoveServo(uint8_t slaveAddress, uint8_t angle) {
    Wire.beginTransmission(slaveAddress); // transmit to device #8
    Wire.write(angle);              // sends one byte
    if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0) {    // stop transmitting
        Serial.printf("Sent %u to slave %x.\r\n", angle, slaveAddress);
    } else {
        Serial.printf("Send to slave %x failed.\r\n", slaveAddress);

bool GetSlaveResponse(struct ServoInfo *slaveInfo) {
    char c;

    uint8_t tmp = slaveInfo->iicAddress;

    //Serial.printf("Wire.requestFrom(%x);\r\n", tmp);

    Wire.requestFrom(tmp, (uint8_t) 2);    // request 2 bytes from slave device

    // wait for (at least) two bytes to arrive
    while (Wire.available() < 2) {

    slaveInfo->status = (uint8_t);  // receive a byte as character
    slaveInfo->angle = (uint8_t);  // receive a byte as character

    //Serial.printf("Received status %u, value %u, from slave %x.\r\n", slaveInfo->status, slaveInfo->angle, slaveInfo->iicAddress);

    return true;

void controlServo(struct ServoInfo *slaveInfo, bool milliTick) {

    // have we reached the end of travel?
    slaveInfo->moving = !( slaveInfo->angle == slaveInfo->onAngle || slaveInfo->angle == slaveInfo->offAngle );
    if ( !slaveInfo->moving ) {
        // wait for the delay to elapse
        if (milliTick) {
            if (!--slaveInfo->movementDelay) {
                slaveInfo->movementDelay = 10 * 1000;
                //Serial.print("servoOn: "); Serial.println(servoOn);
                slaveInfo->on = ! slaveInfo->on;
                MoveServo(slaveInfo->iicAddress, (uint8_t)(slaveInfo->on ? slaveInfo->onAngle : slaveInfo->offAngle));
                //Serial.print("servoOn: "); Serial.println(servoOn);
    //} else {
        //if (slaveHasData) {
            //Serial.printf("Slave: %x: angle: %u, Servo moved to: %u.\r\n", slaveInfo->iicAddress, (uint8_t)(slaveInfo->on ? slaveInfo->onAngle : slaveInfo->offAngle), slaveInfo->value);
            //slaveInfo->moving = false;
            //slaveHasData = false;

void setup() {
    Wire.begin(); // join i2c bus (address optional for master)

    attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt(INTERRUPT_PIN), pinChange, RISING);  // attach interrupt handler

    Serial.println("Master: set up complete");

    delay(10000); // give the slaves time to initialise

    Serial.printf("Getting response from %x\r\n", servoInfo[0].iicAddress);

    Serial.printf("Getting response from %x\r\n", servoInfo[1].iicAddress);

    MoveServo(servoInfo[0].iicAddress, (uint8_t)(servoInfo[0].on ? servoInfo[0].onAngle : servoInfo[0].offAngle));
    MoveServo(servoInfo[1].iicAddress, (uint8_t)(servoInfo[1].on ? servoInfo[1].onAngle : servoInfo[1].offAngle));

    Serial.println("setup() complete.");

void loop() {
    unsigned long millisNow = millis();
    bool milliTick = (lastMillis != millisNow);
    lastMillis = millisNow;

    if (milliTick) {
        controlServo(&servoInfo[0], milliTick);
        controlServo(&servoInfo[1], milliTick);

    // heartbeat: blink the led on pin1
    if (milliTick) {
        if (!--nextHeartbeat) {
            nextHeartbeat =  500;
            LEDPINStatus = !LEDPINStatus;
            digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LEDPINStatus);

The LUA code:

-- Based on work by zeroday & sancho among many other open source authors
-- This code is public domain, attribution to appreciated.
-- adapted by

id=0  -- need this to identify (software) IC2 bus?
sda=2 -- connect to pin GPIO4
scl=1 -- connect to pin GPIO5
int=5 -- interrupt pin GPIO14

-- user defined function: see if device responds with ACK to i2c start
function find_dev(i2c_id, dev_addr)
     c=i2c.address(i2c_id, dev_addr, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
     return c

function i2c_write(dev_addr, data)
     i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.TRANSMITTER)
     i2c.write(id, data)
-- user defined function: read from reg_addr content of dev_addr
function i2c_read(dev_addr)
     i2c.address(id, dev_addr, i2c.RECEIVER)
     c =, 2)
     status = string.byte(c, 2);
     angle = string.byte(c, 1);
     return status, angle

--function slaveDone(level)


-- initialize i2c with our id and pins in slow mode :-)
i2c.setup(id, sda, scl, i2c.SLOW);

--gpio.mode(int, gpio.INT, gpio.PULLUP)
--gpio.trig(int, 'up', slaveDone)

if not tmr.create():alarm(5000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, function()
    for addr = 0x10, 0x11 do
--        print("Scanning for device at address 0x"..string.format("%02X", addr))    
        if find_dev(id, addr)==true then
--            print("Device found at address 0x"..string.format("%02X",addr))
                        --print("Device is wired: SDA to GPIO"..gpio_pin[sda].." - IO index "..sda)
                        --print("Device is wired: SCL to GPIO"..gpio_pin[scl].." - IO index "..scl)

            --print("Response from "..string.format("%02X", addr));

            if angle ~= 125 then
                i2c_write(addr, 125);
                i2c_write(addr, 75);

  print("Can't create timer")

The ATTiny code, runs unchanged irrespective of the ESP8266 code There are two ATTinys, one coded to i2c address 0x10, the other to address 0x11.

 * ATTiny85_iic_ServoController.ino
 * Copyright 2017 Otto Schreibke <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
 * MA 02110-1301, USA.
 * The license can be found at

// IIC Controller for a SG90 servo

// Reads the IIC address from the EEPROM - first four bytes = "IIC" + the IIC address
// if the header is not present, will blink the led every 250 ms.
// change backed out. EEPROM does not seem to reliably persist.
// hard-coding the IIC address in the sketch

// hacked version from

// pin usage:
//   0 - IIC SDA
//   2 - IIC SCL
//   3 - controls the servo
//   1 - used for the heartbeat (flashes the led)
//   4 - when high, initiates feedback for the master is present

#define SDA 0
#define SCL 2
#define SERVO_PIN 3
#define LEDPIN 1

// the servo will reset to the on_angle when powered on.

// Get this from
#include <TinyWireS.h>
//#include <avr/eeprom.h>

// The default buffer size, Can't recall the scope of defines right now
#define TWI_RX_BUFFER_SIZE ( 16 )

#include <SimpleServo.h>

// the 7-bit address (remember to change this when programming another slave)
uint8_t IIC_Address = 0x10;

struct {
    uint8_t targetAngle;
    uint8_t currentAngle;
    uint8_t nextServoMove;
    SimpleServo  servo;
} servoInfo;

unsigned long lastMillis = millis();
uint16_t nextHeartbeat = 1;
uint16_t heartbeatSpeed = 500;
bool LEDPINStatus = false;
uint8_t movementDelay = 25;

void requestEvent() {
    TinyWireS.send((uint8_t) digitalRead(FEEDBACKPIN));

    // turn off the feedback indicator
    digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, LOW);

//Handles receiving i2c data.
void receiveEvent(uint8_t howMany) {
    if (TinyWireS.available()) {
        servoInfo.targetAngle = (uint8_t)TinyWireS.receive();
    // turn off the feedback indicator
    digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, LOW);

void setup() {
    // set up the heartbeat
    nextHeartbeat = heartbeatSpeed;
    LEDPINStatus = false;
    pinMode(SDA, INPUT);
    pinMode(SCL, INPUT);
    pinMode(LEDPIN, OUTPUT); // LED
    digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LEDPINStatus);

    digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, LOW);

    //// get the IIC address from EEPROM
    //if (eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)0) == 'I' && eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)1) == 'I' && eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)2) == 'C') {
        //IIC_Address = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t *)3);
    //} else {
        //heartbeatSpeed = 100;

    // Set up the Servo
    movementDelay = 25;

    // set up the servo

    // move the servo to show we're awake

    servoInfo.targetAngle =  servoInfo.currentAngle = 90; // reset to the midpoint
    servoInfo.nextServoMove = movementDelay;
    // digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, HIGH);
    servoInfo.servo.write(servoInfo.targetAngle); // reset to the on angle position

    //Sets up the onReceive function (what we do if we get stuff).
    //Sets up the onRequest function (what we do if asked to send something).

    digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, HIGH);

void loop() {
    unsigned long millisNow = millis();
    bool milliTick = (lastMillis != millisNow);
    lastMillis = millisNow;

    //Detects a stop sending command.

    // gentle servo move
    if (servoInfo.targetAngle != servoInfo.currentAngle) {
        if (milliTick) {
            if (!--servoInfo.nextServoMove) {
                servoInfo.nextServoMove = movementDelay;
                if (servoInfo.currentAngle < servoInfo.targetAngle)
            digitalWrite(FEEDBACKPIN, (servoInfo.targetAngle == servoInfo.currentAngle ? HIGH : LOW));

    // heartbeat: blink the led on pin1
    if (milliTick) {
        if (!--nextHeartbeat) {
            nextHeartbeat =  heartbeatSpeed;
            LEDPINStatus = !LEDPINStatus;
            digitalWrite(LEDPIN, LEDPINStatus);