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Static IP in station mode #619

Closed korstiaanS closed 6 years ago

korstiaanS commented 6 years ago


Can somebody help me with some code how to use a static IP in a station mode? I really need to use static IP's.

Thanks for wanting to help me.


ourairquality commented 6 years ago

The examples/wificfg/ includes support for a static station IP address, so that is one example see wificfg_init() in extras/wificfg/wificfg.c

korstiaanS commented 6 years ago

Hi, I tried this (same sequence) but still I get a DHCP address. I can see this also in the serial monitor; there it says "dhcp client start..." I used the following code:

static void wifi_init() {
    uint8_t macaddr[6];
    struct ip_info static_ip_info;
    struct sdk_station_config config;
    memset(&static_ip_info, 0x0, sizeof(static_ip_info));

    strcpy((char *)config.ssid, WIFI_SSID);
    strcpy((char *)config.password, WIFI_PASSWORD);
    config.bssid_set = 0;


    IP4_ADDR(&static_ip_info.ip, 10, 0, 12, 200);
    IP4_ADDR(&, 10, 0, 12, 1);
    IP4_ADDR(&static_ip_info.netmask, 255, 255, 255, 0);

    sdk_wifi_set_ip_info(STATION_IF, &static_ip_info);


    sdk_wifi_get_macaddr(STATION_IF, macaddr);
    sprintf(responseprefix, "%02X%02X", macaddr[4], macaddr[5] );

This is called from user_init().

ourairquality commented 6 years ago

Could you trace sdk_eagle_auth_done() in open_esplibs/libwpa/wpa_main.c. This is where the static IP address should be applied, and where the dhcp client is started. If it is printing "dhcp client start..." then the sdk_dhcpc_flag must not be DHCP_STOPPED which would be wrong. Then could you trace sdk_wifi_station_dhcpc_stop() in libmain/user_interface.c and perhaps you can spot what is going wrong.

korstiaanS commented 6 years ago

I traced it and I see that in the call sdk_wifi_station_dhcpc_stop() I don't have if (sdk_wifi_get_opmode() == 2) and also the program does not enter if (netif && sdk_dhcpc_flag == DHCP_STARTED) but then I checked if the flag if (sdk_dhcpc_flag == DHCP_STARTED) and this is TRUE? So that means that the problem lies with netif?

ourairquality commented 6 years ago

Thank you. Would the following change fix this? So always set the sdk_dhcpc_flag to DHCP_STOPPED even if there is no netif when called.

bool sdk_wifi_station_dhcpc_stop(void) {
    struct netif *netif = _get_netif(0);
    if (sdk_wifi_get_opmode() == 2) {
        return false;
    if (netif && sdk_dhcpc_flag == DHCP_STARTED) {
    sdk_dhcpc_flag = DHCP_STOPPED;
    return true;
korstiaanS commented 6 years ago


YES, this works! I don't see dhcp client start... anymore and I've got the static IP address I defined. What now?

ourairquality commented 6 years ago

Thank you for testing. PR