SuperKogito / Voice-based-gender-recognition

:sound: :boy: :girl:Voice based gender recognition using Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficients (MFCC) and Gaussian mixture models (GMM)
MIT License
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Open Sara-Sa-Uk opened 4 years ago

Sara-Sa-Uk commented 4 years ago

Hello Mr.Ayoub, Thank you for your great work.

I got some issues while running the SVM-code could you help me please.

image image

I have one question regarding the SVM-code, why we are training the data on .hmm.

And why we you used this? image

Thank you in advance.

SuperKogito commented 4 years ago

Hello, For your first question: as the trace-back shows, the problem seems to be a permission error, therefore try to run the code as an admin aka using sudo. Also make sure that you have installed ffmpeg. As for the second question: the silence elimination part is needed so that the models are trained only on speech data and not speech+silence data. Eliminating the silence should help speed the system and improve its precision.

Sara-Sa-Uk commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your help, sorry I have one more question regarding SVM-Super vectors it's based on GMM-UBM right? dose it based on HMM, why we are saving the models as .hmm not .gmm? Thank you again.

SuperKogito commented 4 years ago

you are welcome @Sara-Sa-Uk . You don't have to thank me in every message, this is a place to share knowledge so I am here to help and learn too. As for your questions:

  1. No, this is not a GMM-UBM system, I am only using GMMs because I only have two models to compare, so it should be enough. A GMM-UBM could be more accurate but I cannot compute UBMs using scikit-learn as this would result in a memory problem, so if you want to do that I suggest using bob.
  2. It depends which code you are using, the code includes two different codes one for Gaussian mixture models (.gmm) and Hidden Markov models (.hmm). You can refer to this for more informations.
Sara-Sa-Uk commented 4 years ago

According to point 2, you mentioned that your SVM code is based on GMM Super vectors, but the code seems to be based on HMM Hidden Markov Model, I have changed every thing from HMM to GMM and it works fine so is what I did correct?

SuperKogito commented 4 years ago