Open CarinaL99 opened 1 year ago
Hi @CarinaL99 @WuJunde Does the 3D data have an associated dataset class? I couldn't find it in
Hi @CarinaL99 @WuJunde Does the 3D data have an associated dataset class? I couldn't find it in
I just use BTCV dataset following the training 3d tutorial as
Hi @CarinaL99 Did you solve the problem? I am facing the same problem too. My training is stuck after loading the 3D data. @WuJunde Can you please advise? Please let me know. Thanks!
I met this problem, chunk size should be > 1, I used 3 and it work well
Training stuck after loading 3d data
python -net sam -mod sam_adpt -exp_name msa-3d-sam-btcv -sam_ckpt ./sam_vit_b_01ec64.pth -image_size 1024 -b 1 -dataset decathlon -thd True -chunk 1 -data_path /mnt/data/abdomen -num_sample 1
i run the program, but it gets stuck after loading the 3d data. How to solve it