SuperNEMO-DBD / TrackReconstructionTests

A collection of tests with the goal of testing the new tracking algorithm.
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Test 1: Comparison of vertex reconstruction uncertainty (CAT vs TrackIT vs true vertex) #2

Open Shoram444 opened 5 months ago

Shoram444 commented 5 months ago


To compare the performance of the two tracking algorithms, the old CAT tracking module and the new TrackIT module (working name of Tomas' tracking).




Plots are saved here

Comparison CAT reconstructed:

For uncertainty in y, z see notebook_1 for analysis.

Overview plot:


Comparison CAT vs Simulated:

For uncertainty in y, z see notebook_2 for analysis.

Overview plot:



Could be interesting in seeing the uncertainty as a function of $E$, $r$, or other..

miroslav-macko commented 5 months ago

I would be interested to make some semi - analytical model for the fitting function. I even have an idea how to try to do that. In my PhD thesis I have shown that Cauchy does not describe this shape perfectly. I proposed some "empirical shape! but maybe this shape can be explained by doing some convolutional integrals. For some inspiration you can have a look at the 4th chapter of my dissertation:

BTW you can also read there why RMS is bad idea to use. This distribution is cursed, having high dependence on the window you choose to compute the RMS. I discourage to use it. The best is to find a proper fitting function.