SuperNEMO-DBD / TrackReconstructionTests

A collection of tests with the goal of testing the new tracking algorithm.
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Test 4: visual comparison with 2nubb data (plus efficiencies) #9

Open Shoram444 opened 2 months ago

Shoram444 commented 2 months ago


Simulated data-set of 10k events of 2nubb, reconstructed with both algos.

Data-cut efficiencies:

data-cuts CAT [%] TIT [%]
2 tracks 30.75 33.88
+ 2 foil vtx 25.39 25.34
+ 2 calohits 15.05 14.72
+ 2 associated calohits 13.71 11.26
+ vtx <50mm 9.92 8.48


Both algos work fine

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In these "standard" cases a quantitative analysis will have to be made to determine which has better precision.

Only CAT successful

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In general there seem to be 2 ways this situation happens:

  1. Sometimes TrackIT algorithm "cuts" the line too soon. In the first row in the table above it can be seen that the reconstructed track from the TrackIT algorithm suddenly ends in the 3rd row of tracker cells. In the falaise vertex extrapolation, however, there is a condition that it will attempt to extrapolate vertices only if they are on row 1 or 2 of tracker cells.
  2. Sometimes multiple tracks are detected by TIT where there should be one. This is a common problem for both algos, though.
  3. Sometimes unlucky kinks happen...

Only TIT successful

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  1. For more complicated events - very long tracks with kinks and multiple scatters, it seems TrackIT is having better performance.
  2. Kink reconstruction works for TIT, whereas it's completely lacking in CAT. But still a lot of work is needed!