SuperNETorg / Iguana-Branstorming

Brainstorming ideas on DAPPs by SuperNET team
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Asset dividends app #2

Open satindergrewal opened 7 years ago

satindergrewal commented 7 years ago

jl777 [11:00 PM]
also there is likely dozens of possible applications using just the existing tech, so we can be open to new ideas

Another app that we can use is an asset dividends app. this one would manage the payments of dividends based on holdings of a specific assetchain coin. still need to get the snapshot mechanism automated better to provide the raw data, but it is already part of the iguana ramchains generation

I will lose track of all the various GUI projects, so I am posting here so it doesnt get lost

Ishmaello commented 1 year ago

OK I feel this issue familiar compared to other.more about asset dividents app?