SuperNETorg / Iguana-application

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Login with wrong passphrase #62

Closed imboogieman closed 7 years ago

imboogieman commented 7 years ago

Wrong: Given I have an account Iguana When I provide a wrong passphrase Then the next button become enabled And I can proceed to the next step

login with wrong passphrase_01 login with wrong passphrase_02

Right: Given I have an account Iguana When I provide a passphrase of less than 24-words Then I see an error message

N.B.: The mockup shows the error message only, but the wrong input different from the requirement is considered. 24-word passphrase is required.


arkadig commented 7 years ago

@pbca26 you have commented out this part of the code can you please explain me why ?

pbca26 commented 7 years ago

@arkadig we don't need to check passphrase length on login as it can vary. Someone can import a wallet or create a wallet through curl or even EDEX GUI that has 4 word passphrase for example. What we should do is generate a strong passphrase for users on create wallet UI. I think you misunderstood boogieman or his instructions weren't clear enough.

Is it clear now?

arkadig commented 7 years ago

@pbca26 Now it's clear. Thank you.

pbca26 commented 7 years ago

closing hopefully this issue won't arise again