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10.3.2 - Release notes #1084

Closed kirstiaa closed 4 months ago

kirstiaa commented 5 months ago

Notes: New from Team C in 10.3.2: ⁃ Declined invitations displayed in Notifications ⁃ New primed Requests dashboard ⁃ More request tiles available in Online Template Library for dashboards ⁃ Sale description made available as a criterion in Find Sale ⁃ Froala upgraded to latest version

Mobile CRM 10.2.18 Støtte for å legge til deltakere med epost adresse (altså de som ikke er registrert i SuperOffice databasen)

App store

ITX har endelig klart å bli ferdig med app store entryen sin, long time coming...

Amesto Insight har fått nytt navn, men det er kanskje ikke noe å skrive om?

Add info about Request types

Add the removed changes from: 10.3.1 release notes of Request dashboard



uid: news-core-crm-10.3.1 title: Core CRM 10.3.1 update description: Release notes. What's new in SuperOffice CRM 10.3.1 author: SuperOffice AS – Research and Development 01.26.2024 so.version: 10.3.1 keywords: Core CRM, dashboard, tile, requests so.topic: reference

Core CRM 10.3.1 update

Dashboard - New default Requests dashboard

When managing Service and requests, it is crucial to have an overview of your response and closing times. The new default Requests dashboard provides this overview with various request tiles displaying your request status analytics.

Here’s how to access it:

  1. Go to Dashboard.

  2. Search for "Requests".

    Dashboard - Search for Requests dashboard -screenshot

  3. You will then see an overview of your request status.

    Dashboard - Default Requests dashboard -screenshot

Dashboard - New standard request tiles

To help you create an effective request dashboard, we have added new standard tiles:

Dashboard - Standard request tiles -screenshot

