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Mattie's Iceberg issue bonanza #20

Open matstr-hue opened 3 years ago

matstr-hue commented 3 years ago

Mattie's Iceberg is one of my favorite level packs. Unfortunately, after many updates the world suffers for many issues causing some levels to be unplayable. It also messed with map image. In secret level Ambassador Flathead's Airship after defeating the titular enemy the magical crystal is supposed to fall from the ceiling but it doesn't. After stepping to certain spot you should finish the level staying on ground but you land on blocks instead causing to stay in limbo with no end. Collecting a magic crystal form another secret level has the same effect but you can still move but you can't finish the level. mattiesiceberg mattiesiceberg(1) mattiesiceberg(2) mattiesiceberg(3) I'm not sure it was already posted, but I'm showing what I had found in my gameplay