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Side note about Clock #9

Open patrykcelinski opened 4 years ago

patrykcelinski commented 4 years ago

Although java Clock is perfectly fine. I can also recommend you to use cats.Clock[F] typeclass.

In this project you don't need it - they want futures. But if you will go into F[ _ ] this clock might be useful.

class SomeService[F[_]: Sync: Clock](

) {

  private def today: F[LocalDate] = {
    Clock[F].realTime(MILLISECONDS).map(new LocalDate(_))

  private def secondsToMidnight: F[Int] = {
    import com.github.nscala_time.time.Implicits._
    for {
      timeNow  <- Clock[F].realTime(MILLISECONDS)
      now      = new DateTime(timeNow)
      midnight = now + (1 day) withTimeAtStartOfDay ()
    } yield Seconds.secondsBetween(now, midnight).getSeconds
patrykcelinski commented 4 years ago

Apart from clock joda time is helpful.

Its just side info. Don't waste time on this issue.