Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-boolean-logic-ultimate

Enhanced boolean logic with persistent values after reboot and more
MIT License
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Enhancement request: Override for input count field in logic gates #35

Closed MaxVonEvil closed 1 year ago

MaxVonEvil commented 1 year ago

Hi there, I am using an OR gate in a subflow where I expect to have varying number of array elements to process through a split node. Unless I've overlooked something it seems that the Input count field cannot be set dynamically

Would like to suggest either support for a msg.gatecount or similar where one could specify the number of inputs the node should expect. Alternatively if the input count field supported a {{count}} mustache template, that would work fine as well.

Thanks a bunch for your stellar work!

Supergiovane commented 1 year ago

Hi Max Good idea. I start to work on the msg.gatecount instantly. Expect an update version in about 1 hour.

Supergiovane commented 1 year ago

node-red-contrib-boolean-logic-ultimate@1.0.59 is out. The property is named msg.inputcount Please try it and let me know if it fits your needs. Thanks.

MaxVonEvil commented 1 year ago

Hi Massimo, pardon the deferred reply - regular work got in the way :) I just tested the update from yesterday and msg.inputcount works exactly as one could have hoped for.

PS: Here is an json export of a subflow I created around your node if others find it useful: