Closed sgoudelis closed 3 years ago
Hi What camera models are you using?
Sorry I forgot to mention, my NVR is a DS-7608NXI-I2 / 4S
Hi Have you applied any filter on the channel/zone in the hikvision-ultimate node? I need to view your flow. Can you export the affected nodes flow and paste it here?
"id": "96157519.0e3098",
"type": "hikvisionUltimateAlarm",
"z": "5f97174a.93e3c8",
"name": "",
"topic": "",
"server": "e80d9d2b.a4398",
"reactto": "vmd",
"devicetype": 0,
"filterzone": "0",
"alarmfilterduration": 0,
"alarmfilterperiod": 0,
"channelID": "0",
"x": 310,
"y": 1900,
"wires": [
"id": "e80d9d2b.a4398",
"type": "Hikvision-config",
"host": "redacted",
"port": "80",
"name": "nvr",
"authentication": "digest",
"protocol": "http",
"heartbeattimerdisconnectionlimit": "2",
"deviceinfo": "{\"DeviceInfo\":{\"$\":{\"version\":\"1.0\",\"xmlns\":\"\"},\"deviceName\":\"nvr\",\"deviceID\":\"48433830-3636-3732-3734-4447cccf8217\",\"model\":\"DS-7608NXI-I2/4S\",\"serialNumber\":\"DS-7608NXI-I2/4S0820181218CCRRC80667274WCVU\",\"macAddress\":\"44:47:cc:cf:82:17\",\"firmwareVersion\":\"V4.1.18\",\"firmwareReleasedDate\":\"build 200120\",\"encoderVersion\":\"V5.0\",\"encoderReleasedDate\":\"build 200109\",\"deviceType\":\"DVR\",\"telecontrolID\":\"255\"}}"
Ok please let me some time. Tomorrow morning once in office, i’ll take a look!
Yeah, sure no problem
Hello Stratos i've tested yet with an DS-7616NI-I2 NVR and the resulting payload is OK.
What type of cameras do you have attached to your nvr?
Good morning,
I have a DS-2CD2347G1-LU and two DS-2CD2043G0-I20
They are pretty new. Do you have updated the NVR firmware?
I need to ditch into what your NVR tells to the node via the API. If you're able to send me a log, please add banana to the end of your NVR IP.
Like this: I need either a screenshot of the debug's window or a terminal node-red text log immediately after you received a motion alarm from your NVR:
hikvision.log I think this is what you are looking for.
Hi exactly, but it contains only "videoloss alarm". This is not an alarm, is the Hikvision's "funky" way to do an heartbeat, telling the receiver that the NVR is alive. I need the log after you had a "motion alarm" event.
I think this has some Motion alarms in there
Ok got it. Despite your NVR tells that it's using API Version 2.0, they don't adhere 100% to it. Not so strange with Hikvision. Please let me some minutes to fix the issue...
Hi V. 1.0.49 is out with the fix. You should see the new version in minutes. Please let me know if it solved your issue.
I am still waiting for node-red to pick up the new version. Is there a way to trigger an update so that node-red knows there is a new version ? Or does it just take time ?
Nope. You can only wait.
Ok its updated. I am getting this now.
"BANANA SBANANATO XML -> JSON {"EventNotificationAlert":{"$":{"version":"1.0","xmlns":""},"ipAddress":"","portNo":"80","protocol":"HTTP","macAddress":"44:47:cc:cf:82:17","dynChannelID":"4","dateTime":"2021-07-01T09:54:13+02:00","activePostCount":"33","eventType":"VMD","eventState":"active","eventDescription":"Motion alarm"}}"
The id (dynChannelID) 4 is correct for that camera. But the rest of the messages still have channelid 0.
You can delete the "banana" and look at the debug node. It should be OK. Your NVR doesnt' send the channelID, only the dynChannelID.
I deleted the "banana" string and the payload of the message looks like this:
payload: true
topic: ""
channelid: "0"
zone: 0
description: "Motion alarm"
_msgid: "503354bd.be950c"
I do not see anything related in the node-red console output. Am I missing something ? How can I use the dynChannelID ?
You see again "0"? You should now see 4. I take a loog again. Be patient for a minute.
Can you please restart node-red?
I just did again, i get the same behavior.
Ok. Let me some more time. Unfortunately, that's not simple to reproduce without your NVR
Hi again. I tested again, by reproducing your message and it works. Can you please paste the content of this zip file, into your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate/nodes folder and restart node-red. You should see "Stratos" after the channelID. I need to be sure you have the latest version.
I got this now:
payload: true
topic: ""
channelid: "4Stratos"
zone: 0
description: "Motion alarm"
_msgid: "20072864.c7e028"
Yes, so it works. ChannelID is 4. Are you sure to have updated hikvision ultimate to 1.0.49? Here the same file without Stratos.
Yeah thats weird it did not update and I thought it did because I saw the new version already installed and now I see that it did not updated earlier. I just updated and restarted and everything works fine. Thank you very much, you are a wonderful person!
Good to know. Thank you to you for raising the issue. If you have other trouble, let me know. Cheers from Italy.
The alarm messages I am getting from all cameras look like this:
Any ideas what I should look at to fix this?