Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate

A native set of node for Hikvision Cameras, Doorbells, Alarms, Radars etc.
MIT License
46 stars 12 forks source link

DS-KV6113-WPE1(B) no event #23

Closed ur5zeb closed 2 years ago

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

node alarm does not receive a message. hik connect is working fine

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Not sure if the DS-KV6113-WPE1 uses the same protocol. I've no DS-KV6113-WPE1 to test, sorry! Have you other hik cameras that are working? Please say at least "Hello".

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Hi! Sorry for not saying hello :) From DS-2CD1321-I camera work

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Yet i'm on holiday and i'll return home in about 10 days. So i cannot help you now. In the meantime, try to use the RAW alarm node and see what it outputs as soon as someone triggers a motion on your doorbell.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I am using node RAW. I don't receive any messages from the node :( Is it possible to receive an event from hikconnect Have a nice holiday!

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Hi! using isapi you can get the state of the doorbell

curl -i --digest -u admin:xxx http://192.168.x.x/ISAPI/VideoIntercom/callStatus?format=json

Should give as output : “idle” , “ring” , “onCall”

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Good, thank you. As i can see, the endpoint is totally different from the cameras. I'll work on that as soon as i come back home from holidays.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

thanks, I'll wait! there are also methods for opening the lock and receiving a stream. I found information. here thanks again for your work

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Thank you. Are you able to post here the complete json returned by curl? As i'm on holidays, i've no access to any real doorbell to test. Most probably, i'll add another node "Doorbell", so i can handle all things related to videointercom.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Yes, sure. I'll do it in the evening. ready to test on hardware

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

JSON { "CallStatus": { "status": "idle" } }

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Thanks. Will take a look next week. Then i’ll send you some files to test :-)

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

OK. thanks I will see additional ISAPI methods that work

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi ur5zeb if needed, would you have the chance to temporary open a port forward from the internet to your hik intercom for me to test something?

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Hi. yes I can open port 80. but only after a few hours

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks. If able, please protect the access with an username and password, so you won't risk someone sniffing your device.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

do you have a viber or telegram?

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Thanks, it's too early to check motions and stuffs like that. For now I'm focusing to obtain info/capabilities and to grab the intercom ringbell stream. I'm still on holidays with partial access to internet! I'll keep you posted. Many thanks for your help. :-)

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Thank you. I am also studying SDK now. I'm trying to make a wall panel from an android tablet with the interface I need. Already it turned out to make an activity with a real-time stream

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok, the idle/oncall/ring stream should be OK. Tomorrow i'll proceed further. In the meantime, thanks.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I am blocking access from the Internet. When you need to tell me, I can open access at any time from my smartphone

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi can you open the port for me until 13.00 o' clock?

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

нI. we have no internet throughout the city. I will let you know when they solve the problem

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Port open

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Thanks, i'm working on that. You can safely close the in 1 hour from now.

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi, you can close the port for now. Thank you. Can you please unzip this file into your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate/nodes folder

and this zip into your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate folder

and restart node-red? You should see a new doorbell node (colored in red). Can you try it and let me know if it's working? The node is still in beta. Currently the opening door function is not implemented. Thanks.

PS: if you're in trouble, you can still re-install an older version.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

ok thanks. I'll try in the evening

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Hi. Things are good. When the doorbell rings, I get the message true. Could you please help link the doorbell and homekit

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I created a thread. Everything works, but notifications go to the iPhone while the doorbell rings. how to make sure that the message would come once or put the delay on the survey after the first call

[ { "id": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "type": "tab", "label": "Дверной звонок", "disabled": false, "info": "" }, { "id": "6b3838b11f603ab8", "type": "hikvisionUltimateDoorbell", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "", "topic": "", "server": "09465624358080ae", "ringStatus": "all", "floorNo": "all", "unitNo": "all", "zoneNo": "all", "buildingNo": "all", "x": 660, "y": 600, "wires": [ [ "ab62b63befe7ace0", "5056ae7de76f9f50", "306e5021e8c8e0de" ], [ "98b5452734ee9c0f" ] ] }, { "id": "306e5021e8c8e0de", "type": "debug", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "msg", "active": true, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": false, "complete": "true", "targetType": "full", "statusVal": "", "statusType": "auto", "x": 920, "y": 560, "wires": [] }, { "id": "98b5452734ee9c0f", "type": "debug", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "error", "active": true, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": false, "complete": "payload", "targetType": "msg", "statusVal": "", "statusType": "auto", "x": 920, "y": 620, "wires": [] }, { "id": "ab62b63befe7ace0", "type": "homekit-service", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "isParent": true, "hostType": "1", "bridge": "", "accessoryId": "d36fc8e62a5c8935", "parentService": "", "name": "doorbell_switch", "serviceName": "Switch", "topic": "", "filter": false, "manufacturer": "NRCHKB", "model": "1.3.6", "serialNo": "Default Serial Number", "firmwareRev": "1.3.6", "hardwareRev": "1.3.6", "softwareRev": "1.3.6", "cameraConfigVideoProcessor": "ffmpeg", "cameraConfigSource": "", "cameraConfigStillImageSource": "", "cameraConfigMaxStreams": 2, "cameraConfigMaxWidth": 1280, "cameraConfigMaxHeight": 720, "cameraConfigMaxFPS": 10, "cameraConfigMaxBitrate": 300, "cameraConfigVideoCodec": "libx264", "cameraConfigAudioCodec": "libfdk_aac", "cameraConfigAudio": false, "cameraConfigPacketSize": 1316, "cameraConfigVerticalFlip": false, "cameraConfigHorizontalFlip": false, "cameraConfigMapVideo": "0:0", "cameraConfigMapAudio": "0:1", "cameraConfigVideoFilter": "scale=1280:720", "cameraConfigAdditionalCommandLine": "-tune zerolatency", "cameraConfigDebug": false, "cameraConfigSnapshotOutput": "disabled", "cameraConfigInterfaceName": "", "characteristicProperties": "{}", "waitForSetupMsg": false, "outputs": 2, "x": 950, "y": 720, "wires": [ [], [] ] }, { "id": "5056ae7de76f9f50", "type": "hb-status", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "doorbell Doorbell Trigger", "Homebridge": "homebridge", "Manufacturer": "Homebridge", "Service": "Switch", "device": "homebridge0E:5E:97:28:D3:15Homebridgedoorbell Doorbell Trigger00000049", "conf": "1a34d16d52370652", "x": 800, "y": 340, "wires": [ [ "0889648e69fe2d8e" ] ] }, { "id": "c688e80e10913a4d", "type": "hb-control", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "doorbell Doorbell Trigger", "Homebridge": "homebridge", "Manufacturer": "Homebridge", "Service": "Switch", "device": "homebridge0E:5E:97:28:D3:15Homebridgedoorbell Doorbell Trigger00000049", "conf": "1a34d16d52370652", "outputs": 0, "x": 1330, "y": 220, "wires": [] }, { "id": "0889648e69fe2d8e", "type": "function", "z": "462d866fd91fd3d0", "name": "", "func": "\nvar ret_msg=msg;\nret_msg.payload.On = !msg.payload.On;\nreturn ret_msg;", "outputs": 1, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1030, "y": 340, "wires": [ [ "c688e80e10913a4d" ] ] }, { "id": "09465624358080ae", "type": "Doorbell-config", "host": "", "port": "80", "name": "Doorbell", "authentication": "digest", "protocol": "http", "heartbeattimerdisconnectionlimit": 1, "deviceinfo": "[object Object]" }, { "id": "d36fc8e62a5c8935", "type": "homekit-standalone", "accessoryCategory": "8", "bridgeName": "", "hostType": 1, "pinCode": "243-68-697", "port": "56989", "allowInsecureRequest": false, "manufacturer": "NRCHKB", "model": "1.3.6", "serialNo": "Default Serial Number", "firmwareRev": "1.3.6", "hardwareRev": "1.3.6", "softwareRev": "1.3.6", "customMdnsConfig": false, "mdnsMulticast": true, "mdnsInterface": "", "mdnsPort": "", "mdnsIp": "", "mdnsTtl": "", "mdnsLoopback": true, "mdnsReuseAddr": true, "allowMessagePassthrough": true }, { "id": "1a34d16d52370652", "type": "hb-conf", "username": "906-84-792" } ]

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi Good. Please be aware that i’m still working on that, this is a beta version that must be refined. Yet i cannot check your flow, because i’m still on holidays. I will check it next week as i come home. I need you to again open the port for me. I’ll keep you informed as soon as i need it! Thanks.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

ok i will open the conda port you need

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi again, Please unzip this file into your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate/nodes folder and restart node-red. This avoids the node repeatedly emit same messages multiple times.


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Sorry, this is the right ZIP

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi i'm ready to open your main door (your home's door). Please let me know when i can test that.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

Port open

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Yes but, are you at home? I wish to OPEN YOUR HOME DOOR, your phisycal door, anyone can enter!

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

everything is ok, I have not connected the lock yet :)

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Is it something happened?

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Nope. I must check some things... i'll reverto to you soon.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

ok i say i will go to the door to hear the message that the door is open

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

is it possible to make a full doorbell node with two-way audio video stream and native homekit support :) now I have a separate homebridge on rasberripi 3 for video streaming

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi, does the unlock relais do something? It should unlock.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I go to the door, try

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

the lock opened. Everything is ok

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok, thanks. The next thing is to stop your intercom ringing. As soon as i've done that (hope some minutes), i'll tell you what to do. Thanks

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I have now replaced two doorbell files from the last archive and my doorbell assembly is missing from the list

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Let me finish. Then i'll send you other files. Please, push ring button. It should stop ringing after some 2-3 seconds.

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

I pressed

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Does it stop ringing after 4 or 5 seconds?

ur5zeb commented 2 years ago

No, he calls until you press the button

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Sorry, i was temporary offline. Try now.