Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate

A native set of node for Hikvision Cameras, Doorbells, Alarms, Radars etc.
MIT License
51 stars 11 forks source link

[Feature Request] Xml in node #26

Closed EvertDekker closed 3 years ago

EvertDekker commented 3 years ago

Hi, It's me again,

Thanks for your great nodes. I'm using them more and more to control my camera's, all is working great. What I'm missing now is a XML in node.

It would be handy if you can ask for example the camera if motion detection is enabled or not. Can be used for example to see if the motion detection is enabled in the dashboard by a led or something.

Sending a path /ISAPI/System/Video/inputs/channels/1/motionDetection to the camera and get the XML back. It should then be very handy if the node outputs the received XML as json.

msg = { "enabled": true, "enableHighlight": true, "samplingInterval": 2, etc.... }


Supergiovane commented 3 years ago

Hi Tomorrow i’ll take a look!

Supergiovane commented 3 years ago

Hi EvertDekker Are you able to paste the content of this zip, in your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate/nodes folder and restart node-red? Then attach a debug node to the XML-Ultimate and let me know if it works. The node returns a JSON as response from the camera.

EvertDekker commented 3 years ago

Hi Giovanne,

Thanks for your amazing quick feature request fulfil.

Or I'm not sure if I use the node correct or it's not working properly. I have an inject node to trigger the XML node, in the XML node I have added the ISAPI url. The response will give an error 500. Capture

Supergiovane commented 3 years ago

Use GET instead of PUT

Supergiovane commented 3 years ago

See the sample on gitHub Readme

EvertDekker commented 3 years ago


Yep, now it's working with GET. Sorry for not reading the readme.

Thanks again for your great nodes and quick response.


Supergiovane commented 3 years ago

Good. Please star my node if not already done.

The new official version will be out tomorrow. cheers!