Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate

A native set of node for Hikvision Cameras, Doorbells, Alarms, Radars etc.
MIT License
51 stars 11 forks source link

funcionality question #66

Closed JacekKac closed 8 months ago

JacekKac commented 8 months ago

will it be possible to make this use case work with the addon?

DS-KH9xxx video interkom - it has few physical outputs liked to software buttons. Is it possible to read and pass the state of the buttons to other system in real time? anybody tried to integrated it with KH9x video terminals?

Supergiovane commented 8 months ago

Hi Hikvision intercoms are lacking of many ISAPI functions, you need to use SDK. Home Assistant has the Hikvision integration capable of using SDK, so i suggest you to go to that way. :-)