Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate

Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer.
MIT License
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"maingroupname", "middlegroupname" and "ganame" #300

Closed Supergiovane closed 11 months ago

Supergiovane commented 11 months ago

Hi Max,

I was curious if the messages from device nodes could be extended to include structured GA data. Currently the only thing you get is "msg.devicename" being a combination of "([Main group]->[Middle group]) [GA name]". It would be nice if there was a new property (changing the existing might break existing flows) like "msg.gadata", containing child properties like "maingroupname", "middlegroupname" and "ganame". Maybe even the actual GA numbers ("msg.gadata.maingroupnumber" etc) for each could be added so users requiring those don't have to split the msg.topic themselves - though that's obviously quite simple so way lower priority

Cheers, Chris