Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate

Control your KNX intallation via Node-Red! A bunch of KNX nodes, with integrated Philips HUE control and ETS group address importer.
MIT License
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Integration stops working #394

Open danube opened 4 hours ago

danube commented 4 hours ago

Hi Supergiovane!

I ask for help regarding my KNX integration suddenly stop working. This happens since about a week, without a known trigger event, once or twice a day. First, everything works fine. Actuators can be controlled as expected. Suddenly, no more KNX actuators can be controlled and it seems that no telegrams are being received from within Node-RED too.

Approximately at the same time the spook started, I installed Home Assistant with KNX integration on another computer. I've disabled the KNX integration there now to determine, if there is a relation. Hopefully, thigs stabilize again.

Still, two things to notice. One: When Node-RED with node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate seems to "hang", the KNX integration in Home Assistant was still able to read and write telegrams on the bus. Two: Re-deploying node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate seems to fix the "hang" and things start to work again.

In my understanding, working with multiple instances on one KNX gateway should basically be possible, am I right?

Can you help me achieve this? Am I running some misconfiguration? Or is there a bug in the fantastic node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate node? If so, I'd be glad to be of any assistance.

I've gathered a Node-RED log with knxultimate Loglevel "Debug" within a time window of five minutes, where the break happened (around 17:52). This can be found here:

And I pulled the debug infos from within the configuration node, find that here:

node-red-contrib-knx-ultimate version is 3.2.17.

Thank you for the support! Tom

danube commented 4 hours ago

Ah and by the way, the interface is SCN-IP000.03 from MDT.

Supergiovane commented 2 hours ago

Hi I see nothing wrong in the log. Also nothing strange in the gathered debug. I need to know the knx ultimate version and since when, the error started to occur (do you have done something, installed something, update something, etc. ). Multiple upd sockets on the same IP and same port, could lead to some routing issues in the operating system itself, but if it works once, it should work forever. Please also post again the log, as soon as the issue occurs. Thanks!