Supergiovane / node-red-contrib-tts-ultimate

This node transforms a text into a speech audio. You can hear the voice natively through Sonos or external players.
MIT License
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can't get azure to work #41

Closed dkrasmussen closed 2 years ago

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago


first thanks for the quick including of azure tts

i dont know if there is a bug, but i can't get it to work

on deploying i got this warning: "ttsultimate.config: Microsoft AzureTTS service disabled. throwIfNullOrUndefined:subscriptionKey" and yes i have pasted a key and westeurope

and when i try to play audio i got thes error: "ttsultimate: node id: xxx Error Downloading TTS: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined. THE TTS SERVICE MAY BE DOWN."

i'am pretty sure i'am the problem :) but i hope for a little help

i got the key from "home > cognitive services" and then "Manage keys"

if thats not the correct place, then please point me in the right direction


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi DKR, you must choose "voice service", not cognitive service. Cognitive service is for transforming the voice into text. We need vice versa, "voice service", to transform text into voice.

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Please click here

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Here the video.

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago

i must be really stupid because it wont work. i followed the video but still no luck

i got this when deploying "ttsultimate.config: Microsoft AzureTTS service disabled. throwIfNullOrUndefined:subscriptionKey"

the only difference is i used location: northeurope


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Can you give me your key to test? You can then regenerate a new key, don't worry.

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago

how can i send one as a private message?


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

And please show me the screenshot of your config window.. i mean this:

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok got your key and on my system it works. Are you running node red on what? Raspberry, Windows PC?

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago

i using docker on unraid

any ideas on whats next?


Den 14. okt. 2021 kl. 15.10 skrev Max Supergiovane @.***>:

Ok got your key and on my system it works. Are you running node red on what? Raspberry, Windows PC?

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Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok, please let me some time to investigate.....

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi i need you to unzip this zip into your .node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-tts-ultimate/ttsultimate folder and restart nodered.

You should see some "BANANA" in the logs. Please paste here these parts of your log. Thanks

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok got it. Don't need your log anymore.

I'm able to reproduce the issue. This is due to the fact, that you have more than one TTS engine configured. I'm working on a fix. In the meantime, you can either try to only have the AzureTTS engine configured and delete the other configurated engined, or wait for a fix.

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi again. The issue has been fixed. V. 1.0.34 is out. You should see it in the palette in minutes.

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago


as you can see there is no voices in the list, and i think it throw an error

Skærmbillede 2021-10-14 kl  17 46 16


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Have you restarted nodered?

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hi DKR Any news?

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago


i have been away for a family thing

node-red restarted docker restarted host restarted no luck


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Ok, no problems. Do you have other TTS node engines configured? For example google, Polly, etc?

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

..i mean, tts engines configured in the tts-ultimate.

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago


Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

A stupid question. What happens if you click on "voice" list? Did it say something, or is the list totally empty?

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago

just an empty liste

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Do you see something like this in the log?

dkrasmussen commented 2 years ago


I've just opened node red in safari and then the list was populated, before in firefox it was empty ????????

and the log show voices

and now it works in both safari and firefox

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

Hmm... maybe a cached cookie issue! So if it's resolved, you can close the issue. and enjoy your voices!

Supergiovane commented 2 years ago

The family thing has helped!