SuperiorServers / dash

Collection of libraries, utilities, and core Garry's Mod changes intended to improve development of addons and gamemodes
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Remove type optimisations that create different output results #7

Closed Kefta closed 4 years ago

Kefta commented 7 years ago
> local S = getmetatable"" local t = setmetatable({}, S) print(getmetatable(t) == S) print(isstring(t))...

The optimisations are not accurate in all cases. Also removed PhysObj functions since they aren't actually entities and thus don't inherit entity functions.

Kefta commented 7 years ago

Added ENTITY.IsCSEnt for clientside entities

Kefta commented 7 years ago

Removed isnumber optimisation:

> local i = 0/0 print(i ~= nil and i == tonumber(i)) print(isnumber(i))...
ghost commented 6 years ago

Nice backdoor

Kefta commented 4 years ago

This whole file should be removed honestly. Checking the type tag is the only accurate way of determining most types.

Kefta commented 4 years ago

Remove the entire type lib, everything here is wrong with little performance gain.