Supermarcel10 / TFCCalculator

A publicly available metal calculator for TerraFirmaCraft based Modpacks
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Multiplicative Reverse Fibonacci Sequence Algorithm Approach #32

Open Supermarcel10 opened 1 month ago

Supermarcel10 commented 1 month ago



The previous algorithm was hugely inefficient at high output counts AND/OR at huge variety inputs. This algorithm uses a different approach, using a batch strategy.

The batch strategy uses a reverse fibonacci sequence under a maximum defined ingot count.

Why use a reverse fibonacci sequence?

From mathematical proofs, the numbers in primes and fibonacci are easily combinable in multiples to make up a bigger number.

The maximum of 8 was chosen, since from my testing any desired output of under about ~10 ingots on my machine provided a very fast output with the current algorithm implementation.

A reverse strategy was used to provide a more aggressive and greedy algorithm, which attempts to saturate the full amount as fast as possible.

Complexity Measurements

Checking if a batch can be created multiple times only takes a complexity of O(nm) where n is the length of used minerals, and m is the length of available minerals. n is rarely > 5, making the average decent. Despite being poor in complexity, a scaling approach usually yields faster results, since they are multiplicative.

Scaling a batch takes a time complexity of O(n) where n is the length of used minerals, but in the event of an unscalable batch, it is not called, saving processing time.

Other parts of the algorithm remain mostly unchanged in terms of complexity, so if needed, further complexity cuts can be explored there.


Desired Output: 14 ingots
Possible batches: {
  {8x1, 5x1, 1x1},
  {5x2, 2x2},


Tests have been added to accomodate stress testing this change.

The testing strategy has also been updated to use a custom runner and clean up a lot of repetition and complexity around testing the algorithm.

Type of change

How Has This Been Tested?

Stress tests have been made to test 100, 500 and 1000 ingot counts.


Additional Notes

vercel[bot] commented 1 month ago

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tfg-calculator ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback Nov 2, 2024 4:56pm
sonarcloud[bot] commented 1 month ago

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