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Improve code modularity. #24

Open mahyar1284 opened 3 months ago

mahyar1284 commented 3 months ago

Group related classes into modules or packages. This can help in organizing the code better and make it easier to maintain.

mahyar1284 commented 3 months ago

We should use Namespaces more often in our code

mahyar1284 commented 3 months ago

Also here's Copilot's suggestion on how we can improve our code structure (but don't listen to all of its suggestions. some of them are non-sense): To design a dynamically configurable system for your ESP32 project, you can use a combination of design patterns to achieve flexibility, maintainability, and scalability. Here’s a proposed design using suitable design patterns:

1. Singleton Pattern for Sensor Classes

Ensure that each sensor class (e.g., TemperatureSensor, HumiditySensor) is a singleton to guarantee a single instance throughout the application.

2. Factory Method Pattern for Dynamic Sensor Creation

Use the Factory Method pattern to create sensor instances dynamically based on the configuration.

3. Observer Pattern for Status Updates

Implement the Observer pattern to allow the WebServer class to subscribe to status updates from the sensor classes.

4. Facade Pattern for Simplified Interface

Use the Facade pattern to provide a simplified interface for the WebServer class to interact with the sensor classes and configuration management.

5. Strategy Pattern for Configuration Handling

Use the Strategy pattern to handle different configuration strategies (e.g., loading from SPIFFS, updating via web interface).

Proposed Design

Singleton Sensor Classes

class TemperatureSensor {
    static TemperatureSensor* instance;
    TemperatureSensor() {}
    static TemperatureSensor* getInstance() {
        if (!instance) {
            instance = new TemperatureSensor();
        return instance;
    void updateStatus() {
        // Update sensor status
    String getStatus() {
        return "Temperature: 25°C";

TemperatureSensor* TemperatureSensor::instance = nullptr;

Factory Method for Sensor Creation

class SensorFactory {
    static Sensor* createSensor(const String& type) {
        if (type == "TemperatureSensor") {
            return TemperatureSensor::getInstance();
        // Add other sensor types here
        return nullptr;

Observer Pattern for Status Updates

class Observer {
    virtual void update(const String& status) = 0;

class WebServer : public Observer {
    void update(const String& status) override {
        // Handle status update

Facade Pattern for Simplified Interface

class SystemFacade {
    WebServer* webServer;
    std::vector<Sensor*> sensors;
    SystemFacade() {
        webServer = new WebServer();
        // Load sensors based on configuration
        // Add other sensors
    void updateSensors() {
        for (auto sensor : sensors) {

Strategy Pattern for Configuration Handling

class ConfigStrategy {
    virtual void loadConfig() = 0;
    virtual void saveConfig() = 0;

class SPIFFSConfigStrategy : public ConfigStrategy {
    void loadConfig() override {
        // Load configuration from SPIFFS
    void saveConfig() override {
        // Save configuration to SPIFFS

class WebConfigStrategy : public ConfigStrategy {
    void loadConfig() override {
        // Load configuration from web interface
    void saveConfig() override {
        // Save configuration via web interface

Putting It All Together

void setup() {
    SystemFacade systemFacade;

void loop() {
    // Main loop


This design should help you achieve a dynamically configurable system for your ESP32 project. Does this align with your requirements? If you need further details or adjustments, feel free to ask!

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 8/24/2024 (1) Design Patterns for Developing Dynamically Adaptive Systems. (2) The Best Config Management using Design Patterns. (3) Designing Configurable and Customizable Applications | Design for .... (4) Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: Architectures, Design Methods and ....