Just adding a possibility to control majority of constants
to make it easier - shared functionality for all agents
allowing sum of both days of inbound_shipments
deducting next_incoming_order from current_stock to compute base for order_to_place
setup little FW to store results of different experiments (not attached notebook), that runs following loop
for experiment in experiments:
total_costs = {}
total_costs["model"] = experiment
total_costs["commit_hash"] = commit_hash
total_costs["results"] = []
for i in range(500):
total_costs["results"].append(run(verbose_sim=False, params=total_costs["model"]))
store_results(total_costs, csv_path=csv_path)
and evaluates the results looking at the violin plot with quartiles
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Your Approach
Just adding a possibility to control majority of constants
to compute base fororder_to_place
and evaluates the results looking at the violin plot with quartiles