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Change code that checks IsReflexibleAutomorphismGroupRep to use AutomorphismGroupFpGroup #122

Closed CunningGabe closed 2 years ago

CunningGabe commented 2 years ago

Some code (like Dual and Petrial) will check whether a maniplex is reflexible and built using its automorphism group with the standard presentation. We now have a better mechanism to handle this. AutomorphismGroupFpGroup will, for reflexible maniplexes at least, return a presentation in the standard form. So any code of the form:

if IsReflexibleAutomorphismGroupRep(M) then <do stuff with AutomorphismGroup(M)>

can be changed to

if IsReflexible(M) then <do stuff with AutomorphismGroupFpGroup(M)>

CunningGabe commented 2 years ago

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