SupposeNot / RAMP

Research Assistant for Maps and Polytopes
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Bug in QuotientManiplexByAutomorphismSubgroup #174

Closed SupposeNot closed 1 year ago

SupposeNot commented 1 year ago
gap> p:=ARP([5,2,3]);
AbstractRegularPolytope([ 5, 2, 3 ])
gap> aut:=AutomorphismGroupOnFlags(p);
<permutation group with 4 generators>
gap> cent:=Center(aut);
gap> QuotientManiplexByAutomorphismSubgroup(p,cent);
4-maniplex with 0 flags

Pretty sure that if I quotient by the trivial subgroup I should get the original polytope back...

CunningGabe commented 1 year ago

Oops, I just saw that Mark added something to fix this. I think it might have also been broken in cases where h was nontrivial but had some fixed points, and that is now fixed in dd03071286625fa5cafc2bb19bb6ef3505d5fdb1.