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Fix static typing issues #11

Open vidbina opened 7 years ago

vidbina commented 7 years ago

Upon running flow --show-all-errors a list of typing failures are presented that need to be fixed. Many of the errors stem from dependencies which are probably to be updated in order to eliminate said typing errors.

vidbina commented 7 years ago
161:   var getImageSource = function(name : string, size? : number, color? : string) : Promise {
                                                                                       ^^^^^^^ Promise. Application of polymorphic type needs <list of 1 argument>. (Can use `*` for inferrable ones)

generateIconSetFromCss. Duplicate module provider
current provider. See: node_modules/react-native-material-design/node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/lib/generate-icon-set-from-css.js:0

160:       this._callbacks[this._callbackID++] = onFail;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Flow will only let you modify a tuple if it knows exactly which element of the tuple you are mutating. Unsafe mutation of
160:       this._callbacks[this._callbackID++] = onFail;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type

162:       this._callbacks[this._callbackID++] = onSucc;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Flow will only let you modify a tuple if it knows exactly which element of the tuple you are mutating. Unsafe mutation of
162:       this._callbacks[this._callbackID++] = onSucc;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type

273:     this._callbacks[cbID & ~1] = null;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Flow will only let you modify a tuple if it knows exactly which element of the tuple you are mutating. Unsafe mutation of
273:     this._callbacks[cbID & ~1] = null;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type

274:     this._callbacks[cbID |  1] = null;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of computed property/element. Flow will only let you modify a tuple if it knows exactly which element of the tuple you are mutating. Unsafe mutation of
274:     this._callbacks[cbID |  1] = null;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type

 84:   edges: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(createStrictShapeTypeChecker({
              ^ call of method `arrayOf`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 84:   edges: ReactPropTypes.arrayOf(createStrictShapeTypeChecker({
                                     ^ object type

 38: const DatePickerIOS = React.createClass({
                           ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

105:     this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `onChange`. Function cannot be called on
105:     this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onChange` of unknown type

 55: const KeyboardAvoidingView = React.createClass({
                                  ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

156:     const {behavior, children, style, ...props} = this.props;
                          ^^^^^^^^ property `children`. Property not found in
156:     const {behavior, children, style, ...props} = this.props;
                                                       ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

 86: const MapView = React.createClass({
                     ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
348:     legalLabelInsets: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

 86: const MapView = React.createClass({
                     ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

534:       followUserLocation = this.props.showUserLocation;
                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `showUserLocation`. Property not found in
534:       followUserLocation = this.props.showUserLocation;
                                ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

884:           vertical={this.props.vertical}
                                    ^^^^^^^^ property `vertical`. Property not found in
884:           vertical={this.props.vertical}
                         ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

896:       <View style={}>
                                   ^^^^^ property `style`. Property not found in
896:       <View style={}>
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `accessibilityComponentType`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `accessibilityLabel`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `accessibilityLiveRegion`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `accessibilityTraits`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `accessible`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `collapsable`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `hitSlop`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `importantForAccessibility`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onAccessibilityTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onLayout`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onMagicTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderGrant`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderMove`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderReject`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderRelease`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderTerminate`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onResponderTerminationRequest`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `pointerEvents`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `removeClippedSubviews`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `renderToHardwareTextureAndroid`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 72:  static propTypes = {
                         ^ property `shouldRasterizeIOS`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 27: var ProgressViewIOS = React.createClass({
                           ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 73: const RefreshControl = React.createClass({
                            ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 63: const ScrollView = React.createClass({
                        ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 78:     contentInset: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

 63: const ScrollView = React.createClass({
                        ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 84:     contentOffset: PointPropType,
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

 52: var SegmentedControlIOS = React.createClass({
                               ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 31: var Slider = React.createClass({
                  ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 39: var Switch = React.createClass({
                  ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityComponentType`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityLabel`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityLiveRegion`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityTraits`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessible`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `collapsable`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `hitSlop`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `importantForAccessibility`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onAccessibilityTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onLayout`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMagicTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderGrant`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderMove`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderReject`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderRelease`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderTerminate`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderTerminationRequest`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `pointerEvents`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `removeClippedSubviews`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `renderToHardwareTextureAndroid`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `shouldRasterizeIOS`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 35:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `testID`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

171: const TextInput = React.createClass({
                       ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See: node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Components/View/View.js:371

 36: var TouchableBounce = React.createClass({
                           ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 62:     pressRetentionOffset: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

 36: var TouchableBounce = React.createClass({
                           ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 71:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

151:         {this.props.children}
                         ^^^^^^^^ property `children`. Property not found in
151:         {this.props.children}
              ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

 36: const TouchableWithoutFeedback = React.createClass({
                                      ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 85:     pressRetentionOffset: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

 36: const TouchableWithoutFeedback = React.createClass({
                                      ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
 94:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

152:     const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);
                                                      ^^^^^^^^ property `children`. Property not found in
152:     const child = React.Children.only(this.props.children);
                                           ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

170:       accessibilityLabel: this.props.accessibilityLabel,
                                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `accessibilityLabel`. Property not found in
170:       accessibilityLabel: this.props.accessibilityLabel,
                               ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

173:       testID: this.props.testID,
                              ^^^^^^ property `testID`. Property not found in
173:       testID: this.props.testID,
                   ^^^^^^^^^^ propTypes of React component

115: const View = React.createClass({
                  ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
371:     hitSlop: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

115:         JSTimersExecution.errors.push(e);
                                      ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
115:         JSTimersExecution.errors.push(e);
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

129: const Image = React.createClass({
                   ^ call of method `createClass`. Expected a React PropType instead of
195:     capInsets: EdgeInsetsPropType,
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type

396:     this._subscriptions = [];
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ assignment of property `_subscriptions`
396:     this._subscriptions = [];
                               ^^ empty array literal. Tuple arity mismatch. This tuple has 0 elements and cannot flow to the 1 elements of
396:     this._subscriptions = [];
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type

460:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
460:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

464:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
464:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

468:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
468:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

472:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
472:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

476:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
476:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

480:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
                             ^^^^ property `push`. Property not found in
480:     this._subscriptions.push(RCTNetworking.addListener(
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ $ReadOnlyArray

216:   require.Systrace = Systrace;
               ^^^^^^^^ property `Systrace`. Property not found in
216:   require.Systrace = Systrace;
       ^^^^^^^ object type

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityComponentType`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityLabel`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityLiveRegion`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessibilityTraits`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `accessible`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `collapsable`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `hitSlop`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `importantForAccessibility`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `needsOffscreenAlphaCompositing`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onAccessibilityTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onLayout`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMagicTap`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onMoveShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderGrant`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderMove`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderReject`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderRelease`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderTerminate`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onResponderTerminationRequest`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponderCapture`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `onStartShouldSetResponder`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `pointerEvents`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `removeClippedSubviews`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `renderToHardwareTextureAndroid`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `shouldRasterizeIOS`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `style`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

 28:   static propTypes = {
                          ^ property `testID`. Property not found in
 49:   static propTypes: $Subtype<{[_: $Keys<Props>]: any}>; //object whose keys are in PropTypes
                                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/react.js:49

115:   return colors &&;
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ array type. Only tuples and array literals with known elements can flow to
114: function processColorArray(colors: []): [] {
                                             ^^ tuple type

 82:       // $FlowFixMe: Refinement issue. If it is not a Fiber or null, it is a yield
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error suppressing comment. Unused suppression

227:                 this.props.onStartShouldSetResponder();
                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `onStartShouldSetResponder`. Function cannot be called on
227:                 this.props.onStartShouldSetResponder();
                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onStartShouldSetResponder` of unknown type

267:             return setResponder;
                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onStartShouldSetResponder` of unknown type. This type is incompatible with the expected return type of
225:           onStartShouldSetResponder: (): bool => {
                                              ^^^^ boolean

272:               this.props.onResponderGrant.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `apply`. Method cannot be called on
272:               this.props.onResponderGrant.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onResponderGrant` of unknown type

277:               this.props.onResponderMove.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `apply`. Method cannot be called on
277:               this.props.onResponderMove.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onResponderMove` of unknown type

282:               this.props.onResponderRelease.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `apply`. Method cannot be called on
282:               this.props.onResponderRelease.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onResponderRelease` of unknown type

287:               this.props.onResponderTerminate.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `apply`. Method cannot be called on
287:               this.props.onResponderTerminate.apply(this, arguments);
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onResponderTerminate` of unknown type

294:               allowTermination = this.props.onResponderTerminationRequest.apply(this, arguments);
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `apply`. Method cannot be called on
294:               allowTermination = this.props.onResponderTerminationRequest.apply(this, arguments);
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `onResponderTerminationRequest` of unknown type

 74: //$FlowIssue #14640206
     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error suppressing comment. Unused suppression

116:   //$FlowIssue #14640206
       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Error suppressing comment. Unused suppression

  6: import Aggrow from './Aggrow';
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ ./Aggrow. Required module not found

 50:     document.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydown);
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `addEventListener`. Method cannot be called on possibly null value
 50:     document.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydown);
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ null

 64:     document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydown);
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ call of method `removeEventListener`. Method cannot be called on possibly null value
 64:     document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydown);
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ null

 10: import type { FocusConfig } from './Aggrow';
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^ ./Aggrow. Required module not found

  5: import Aggrow from './Aggrow';
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ ./Aggrow. Required module not found

  5: import Aggrow from './Aggrow';
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ ./Aggrow. Required module not found

  3: import Aggrow from './Aggrow';
                        ^^^^^^^^^^ ./Aggrow. Required module not found

 72:   return babel.transform(code, {
              ^ call of method `transform`
 74:       [constantFolding],
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ array literal. This type is incompatible with
 59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ union: string | object type | InlinePlugin. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
  Member 1:
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                         ^^^^^^ string. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
   74:       [constantFolding],
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ array literal. This type is incompatible with
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                         ^^^^^^ string. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
  Member 2:
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                                  ^^^^^^ object type. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
   74:       [constantFolding],
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ array literal. This type is incompatible with
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                                  ^^^^^^ object type. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
  Member 3:
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^ InlinePlugin. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59
   74:       [constantFolding],
             ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ array literal. Tuple arity mismatch. This tuple has 1 elements and cannot flow to the 2 elements of
   59:   plugins?: Array<string | Object | InlinePlugin>,
                                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^ tuple type. See lib: node_modules/react-native/flow/babel.js.flow:59

267:               if (deps.files.has(filePath)) {
                            ^^^^^ property `files`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
267:               if (deps.files.has(filePath)) {
                       ^^^^ undefined

268:                 deps.outdated.add(filePath);
                          ^^^^^^^^ property `outdated`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
268:                 deps.outdated.add(filePath);
                     ^^^^ undefined

315:           files: new Map(
                      ^ constructor call
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                     ^^^^^ property `files`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

320:           idToIndex: new Map({id}, i) => [id, i])),
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constructor call
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                            ^^^^^^^^^ property `idToIndex`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

321:           dependencyPairs: new Map(
                                ^ constructor call
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `dependencyPairs`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

326:           outdated: new Set(),
                         ^^^^^^^^^ constructor call
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                       ^^^^^^^^ property `outdated`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ property `dependencyPairs`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                     ^^^^^ property `files`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                            ^^^^^^^^^ property `idToIndex`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                       ^^^^^^^^ property `outdated`. Property cannot be accessed on possibly undefined value
560:         const {dependencyPairs, files, idToIndex, outdated} = deps;
                                                                   ^^^^ undefined

573:           deps.outdated = new Set();
                    ^^^^^^^^ property `outdated`. Property cannot be assigned on possibly undefined value
573:           deps.outdated = new Set();
               ^^^^ undefined

117:       if (this._packageCache[packagePath]) {
                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^ undefined. This type is incompatible with
 36:   _packageCache: {[filePath: string]: Package};
                                  ^^^^^^ string

136:       platforms: new Set(platforms || []),
                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ constructor call
603:     constructor(iterable: ?Iterable<T>): void;
                                ^^^^^^^^^^^ property `@@iterator` of $Iterable. Property not found in. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_8143bd/core.js:603
136:       platforms: new Set(platforms || []),
                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ mixed

Found 156 errors
vidbina commented 7 years ago

Can't be fully tackled now. Fixed the typing errors within the codebase (only for the parts that had the @flow annotation for checking set. The current remaining errors are from dependencies. Since we're a few versions behind on most dependencies, it makes more sense to first try a full upgrade of all dependencies and determine which errors are resolved through simply upgrading our deps.