SurPathHub / Dayong

Discord Bot for SurPath Hub's server
MIT License
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Migrate Dayong's design model and implement slash commands #4

Closed huenique closed 2 years ago

huenique commented 3 years ago

The sole maintainer of has ceased the development of their API wrapper. This is my first time making a complete discord bot, so I wasn't aware of this matter.

The reason I chose was because of its popularity and that it was a fast and mature library. Now that is essentially dead, we're left with a few options:

  1. Rebuild the bot in another language.
  2. Rebuild the bot with another library.
  3. Extend to support slash commands.

If you read Danny's announcement, Discord is forcing bot developers to use slash commands. Dayong will die in 8 or 9 months if we continue using's design model.

Regarding our remaining options, from a project maintainer's point of view, the first one sounds like our top choice, but we don't have to abandon Python just yet. Personally, I think the second or third is our best option. For number 2, I'm looking into other libraries, such as hikari, which is starting to gain traction after the announcement. For number 3, there's discord-interactions, which is a extension for supporting slash commands.

MatteuSan commented 3 years ago

Go for #3