Issues to be fixed:
1) The week data is selected automatically when the weekly button is selected.
Now, the daily data of that particular week need to be selected.
2) The rename of the of daily file and weekly need to be changed from eg: iphoneWeekly -> iPhone4/18/21-4/24/21 and daily data eg: iphone1 -> iphone4/18/21 or any date pattern
For that, the date value of week data of the start and end could be collected.
and the particular start date can be taken from the week data,
then the for loop for 7 days could be iterated.
Issues to be fixed: 1) The week data is selected automatically when the weekly button is selected. Now, the daily data of that particular week need to be selected.
2) The rename of the of daily file and weekly need to be changed from eg: iphoneWeekly -> iPhone4/18/21-4/24/21 and daily data eg: iphone1 -> iphone4/18/21 or any date pattern
Ideas: For that, the date value of week data of the start and end could be collected. and the particular start date can be taken from the week data, then the for loop for 7 days could be iterated.