SurfinStatistician / CourseContent

Contains course contents needed to constitute a finished Essence of Regression course.
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Finalize v1 task list for SS #1

Closed doctortheisen closed 6 years ago

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

The first version task list for Surfin' Statistician: Essence of Regression course needs to be completed before finalizing scope of lessons/course length/content.

Issue: Contents appear to have subcategories. Break these into sections to logical grouping. Final list should be in txt file on git pages for main repo.

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

SSv1 Task List A-01 Explain the phrase "fit of the model with the data" A-02a Explain in your own words the benchmarks for MCC (R value) A-02b Explain in your own words the benchmarks for standardized regression coefficient values A-03 Explain in your own words what the regression coefficient is (unstandardized and standardized)

A-04a Explain in your own words what the unstandardized regression coefficient value means. A-04b Explain in your own words what the standardized regression coefficient value means. A-04c Explain in your own words when you would use the unstandardized reg. coef. value over the stand. reg. coeff. value. A-04d State how standardized reg. coef. are used to describe the importance of predictor variables. A-05 Explain in your own words the phrase "the proportion of the variance in the outcome variable explained by the model."

A-06 Explain in your own words the distinction b/t variable of primary interest (VPI) and control variables

A-07a Explain in your own words the difference between association and effect A-07b Explain in your own words the difference between an association statement and effect statement for making decisions. A-07c Explain in your own words what needs to be done in an analysis to move from statements of association to statements of effect (take control variables effects into account, then look to unique effects of VPI)

A-09 Explain in your own words what the outcome variable is A-10 Explain in your own words what the predictor variable is A-11 Explain in your own words what the R^2 value means A-12 Provide an example of a regression equation with two predictor variables A-13 Provide an example of a regression equation with six predictor variables A-14 Explain in your own words what it means when one says "a model is a good fit with the data" A-15 Explain in your own words what it means when one says "a model is a poor fit with the data" A-16 Describe in your own words the AMC approach for reading a regression output

A-17a Explain in your own words the basic purpose of regression A-17a Explain in your own words the value of doing a regression analysis A-17a Explain in your own words what you learn from a regression analysis (Answer is what influences performance on the outcome variable measure)

A-18 Explain in your own words why it is important to have a reliable and valid measure of the outcome variable construct. (Reason: If not valid and reliable, you can take it a step further to about why people vary (not on the measure, but people themselves.)

A-26 Interactions and regression A-27 Regression for explanation and prediction purposes

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

Idea, not a concrete plan but thinking out loud

Add/change the task list items to state behaviors the student will perform. Example below.

CHANGE FROM "Explain in your own words what the outcome variable is." CHANGE TO "Interpret outcome variables in regression analyses."

Rationale for change: a. Old wording encourages students to write in their own words, inviting explanations in non-technical terms. Students may not acquire/demonstrate the skill at a technical or scientific level if they are not asked to practice it during class. The quality "bar" is set too low here.

b. The skill of explaining outcome variables in their own words (non-technical terms) is less useful than skill of "interpreting outcome variables in regression analyses." Interpret can be practiced more often by the student, more readily and with more structure. Practice can be verified more easily, and shaped, because answers are testable against a quantified answer on the output.

c. It may not sound like it, but it is actually easier to build an eLearning objective and activities around "interpret outcome variables in regression analyses" than explaining a thing in the student's own words. The subjectivity is part of the challenge, in that answers have to be open ended. The main issue is in how you make elearning content. Specifically, how do you make a video showing students how to explain something in their own words? Essentially, the question presupposes the student already grappled with the technical material (less likely for our audience), having established the foundational knowledge they will now draw upon to synthesize their learning in a generalized statement of what this topic means. It's probably going to be stated in non-technical terms at this point. Easier to show step by step and break things down concretely. Students may appreciate that more since it gives them chances to be right with little knowledge checks in the videos.

Will need to revisit this idea later to clarify the main points I am trying to communicate. Essentially, I think all these "explain in your own words" competencies are great but should be the step 2, and we should make a step 1 for them which states the actual task/skill that a student can acquire. We probably do not need the step 2 (explain in your own words) for a competency, though it is VERY good for assessment purposes in the form of an interview/open question. In that regard it's great to have. Not sure if that should be an assessment item only or a straight competency.

Example is a competency called "Interpret outcome variables in regression analyses." The videos and write-up in the text for the Lesson talk about the steps, give examples, etc. Then, the assessment has a list of practice targets for students to try. Maybe teachers give these for self-assessment, or turn them into actual questions on an evaluation experience. Up to them. The target list has a suggested question for assessing the item: "How would you describe the outcome variable in regression?" Perhaps second question is "How would you interpret the outcome variable in regression?"

doctortheisen commented 6 years ago

Moved this issue to its own repo called "taskList" in SS organization