SurinJo / waggles

develope smart battery pack for waggle stack sensors
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Development Log #1

Open SurinJo opened 4 years ago

SurinJo commented 4 years ago


[DD-MM-YYYY] [Development Log in detail]

nionu0430 commented 4 years ago

[03-09-2019] Project Start

nionu0430 commented 4 years ago

[04-09-2019] Set the goal

nionu0430 commented 4 years ago

[05-09-2019] New member!!!


nionu0430 commented 4 years ago

[06-09-2019] Study about project

ghost commented 4 years ago

[09-09-2019] Testing thermal sensor ‘AM2302’

ghost commented 4 years ago


  1. Calculating voltage needed to charge single lead-acid battery
  2. Designing a way to fetch current, voltage and power data from circuit while the battery is being charged by solar panel using current sensor
  3. Connecting battery to bread board using relay module
ghost commented 4 years ago

[11-09-2019] Solar panel experiment

ghost commented 4 years ago

[12-09-2019] Installation of modules and sensors

ghost commented 4 years ago

[13-09-2019] Study for development of battery pack

SurinJo commented 4 years ago

[16-09-2019] Design the battery pack's structure

SurinJo commented 4 years ago

[17-09-2019] Circuit integration

SurinJo commented 4 years ago

[18-09-2019] Wind power energy generator

SurinJo commented 4 years ago

[19-09-2019] Build a "prototype code"

SurinJo commented 4 years ago

[23-09-2019] Start to record "development log" :)

ghost commented 4 years ago

[24-09-2019] Get advices from Eric & Kar Ee

ghost commented 4 years ago

[25-09-2019] Study on circuits

ghost commented 4 years ago

[26-09-2019] Complete this week’s task


ghost commented 4 years ago

[27-09-2019] Start making battery pack prototypes

SurinJo commented 4 years ago


  1. Decide Battery Monitor system

    • Use 3 states (Good, Normal, Bad)
    • Using INA219 only for monitor the voltage
  2. Practice cut the box KakaoTalk_20191001_095152118

ghost commented 4 years ago


KakaoTalk_Photo_2019-10-02-14-29-26 KakaoTalk_Photo_2019-10-02-14-29-13 KakaoTalk_Photo_2019-10-02-14-29-00

ghost commented 4 years ago


1 2

ghost commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago



ghost commented 4 years ago


SurinJo commented 4 years ago


ghost commented 4 years ago


SurinJo commented 4 years ago
