'While I, Daniel, was watching the vision and trying to understand it, there before me stood one who looked like a man. And I heard a man’s voice from the Ulai calling, “Gabriel, tell this man the meaning of the vision.”'
2 gets us much closer, but it's undercounting coins because it's not using the original improved algorithm:
// For each block, account for P2PK coins
for height in resume_height..tip_height {
let hash = rpc.get_block_hash(height)?;
let block = rpc.get_block(&hash)?;
// Account for the new P2PK coins
for tx in block.txdata.iter() {
for outpoint in &tx.output {
if outpoint.script_pubkey.is_p2pk() {
p2pk_addresses += 1;
p2pk_coins += outpoint.value.to_btc();
// If the transaction is not coinbase, account for the spent coins
if !tx.is_coinbase() {
for txin in &tx.input {
let txid = txin.previous_output.txid;
let vout = txin.previous_output.vout;
let prev_tx = rpc.get_raw_transaction(&txid, None)?;
// Check if the specific output being spent was P2PK
if let Some(prev_output) = prev_tx.output.get(vout as usize) {
if prev_output.script_pubkey.is_p2pk() {
p2pk_addresses -= 1;
p2pk_coins -= prev_output.value.to_btc();
For this, we need to create a BTreeMap<[u8; 32], bool>, with the bool as to whether the prevout is a P2PK spend script. This is more memory efficient than storing the entire spend script. Ideally we put only txs that contain a P2PK spend script into the BTreeMap.
2 gets us much closer, but it's undercounting coins because it's not using the original improved algorithm:
For this, we need to create a BTreeMap<[u8; 32], bool>, with the bool as to whether the prevout is a P2PK spend script. This is more memory efficient than storing the entire spend script. Ideally we put only txs that contain a P2PK spend script into the BTreeMap.