Surnet / docker-wkhtmltopdf

wkhtmltopdf for multiple base images
MIT License
360 stars 65 forks source link

Not working for wodby/drupal image #14

Closed Mykola-Veryha closed 4 years ago

Mykola-Veryha commented 4 years ago
FROM surnet/alpine-wkhtmltopdf:3.9-0.12.5-full as wkhtmltopdf
FROM wodby/drupal-php:7.4-dev-4.15.3

# Install dependencies for wkhtmltopdf
RUN apk add --no-cache \
  libstdc++ \
  libx11 \
  libxrender \
  libxext \
  libssl1.1 \
  ca-certificates \
  fontconfig \
  freetype \
  ttf-dejavu \
  ttf-droid \
  ttf-freefont \
  ttf-liberation \
  ttf-ubuntu-font-family \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
  msttcorefonts-installer \
# Install microsoft fonts
&& update-ms-fonts \
&& fc-cache -f \
# Clean up when done
&& rm -rf /tmp/* \
&& apk del .build-deps

# Copy wkhtmltopdf files from docker-wkhtmltopdf image
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltopdf
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltoimage /bin/wkhtmltoimage
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/libwkhtmltox* /bin/
Mykola-Veryha commented 4 years ago

It's not the best solution but with this line:

USER root

it's working

FROM surnet/alpine-wkhtmltopdf:3.9-0.12.5-full as wkhtmltopdf
FROM wodby/drupal-php:7.4-dev-4.15.3

USER root
# Install dependencies for wkhtmltopdf
RUN apk add --no-cache \
  libstdc++ \
  libx11 \
  libxrender \
  libxext \
  libssl1.1 \
  ca-certificates \
  fontconfig \
  freetype \
  ttf-dejavu \
  ttf-droid \
  ttf-freefont \
  ttf-liberation \
  ttf-ubuntu-font-family \
&& apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps \
  msttcorefonts-installer \
# Install microsoft fonts
&& update-ms-fonts \
&& fc-cache -f \
# Clean up when done
&& rm -rf /tmp/* \
&& apk del .build-deps

# Copy wkhtmltopdf files from docker-wkhtmltopdf image
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf
COPY --from=wkhtmltopdf /bin/libwkhtmltox* /usr/bin/
chdanielmueller commented 4 years ago

You should be able to change the user back after the RUN command. This way there shouldn't be a security issue