Susmita-Dey / Sukoon

This is a stress-relieving website project made for the hackathon Hackofiesta. This project is under the theme Healthcare.
MIT License
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[FEATURE] Carousel slider to Members and Testimonial section #640

Open Aanyaa26 opened 1 month ago

Aanyaa26 commented 1 month ago


This website is made carefully and with dedicated efforts! The website can be enhanced effectively if we can give carousel effect to static list of elements present in the site like members section and testimonial. This effect gives a site both professional and engaging approach to the user! please assign me this task! This would be my first ever contribution in SSOC'24


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github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

It's great having you contribute to this Project

Thank you for noticing & notifying us for this issue in Sukoon. 🤓
If you would like to keep contributing to open-source, you can check out the other projects by Susmita Dey here
Any questions, let us know. 🤓
ShubhamSinghgit commented 4 weeks ago

I would like to work on this enhancement feature using a carousel library can be helpful here and lazy loading can be implemented as well for smoother performance @Aanyaa26

Shubham-senger commented 3 days ago

I am really eager to work on this task and i think i can enhance it very easily so please let me contribute in it