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Alice J 10-03-17 #43

Open dorksquith opened 7 years ago

dorksquith commented 7 years ago

(1) We've decided to look at "hvq" rather than "Dijet" powheg process.

cd /Users/asquith/POWHEG-BOX/hvq/ edit Makefile: PDF=native ANALYSIS=none

make pwhg_main
cd testrun-b-lhc/

edit powheg.input numevts 5000 ebeam1 6500 ebeam1 6500 ../pwhg_main this produces pwgevents.lhe cp pwgevents.lhe Powheg_bb_5k.txt

(2) We also realised we don't need to shower because we just want to look at the hard process b and bbar. So now looking at signal: Powheg_Hbb_5k.txt and background Powheg_bb_5k.txt

To do: