Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project / feed_biodiv_impact_mapping

This repository holds the code used to support Clawson et al ... <Final manuscript reference to be inserted>
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Exploring marine species vulnerabilities #12

Closed gclawson1 closed 11 months ago

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

As I start exploring options for accounting for marine species vulnerabilities, and how to better reflect the realities of habitat loss due to fishing, here are some definitions and initial thoughts.

For terrestrial species, we are using the same method as Williams et al. to apply species tolerances. So when a species has a tolerance of "suitable" for a habitat, then there is no area of habitat affected, when a species has a tolerance of "marginal", we apply a weight of 0.5 to the overlap of AOH and aquafeed production, and when the habitat is "unsuitable", the AOH is fully affected:

From Williams et al.

Additionally, from the IUCN:

We want to create a similar metric for marine species, however, this is proving challenging, as marine species respond completely different to fishing than terrestrial species do to agricultural land. For example, if a terrestrial species habitat is unsuitable for agriculture, then it is reasonable to assume that their species is fully displaced, losing that habitat. However, with marine species, their suitable habitat can be fished, and the fish species will likely return, as the habitat isn't necessarily "unsuitable" for them, it is just stressed.

Our initial thought was to use the vulnerability scores from Butt et al for bycatch, and rescale the vulnerabilities to be 0, 0.5, and 1, so as to match our methods for the terrestrial side of things. However, doing this treats many species as fully displaced by fishing for aquafeeds, which isn't necessarily correct, as noted above. Another thought was to scale the vulnerabilities down to 0, 0.25, and 0.5, however, I believe this still vastly overestimates the impact of fishing on marine mammal species. We see really large values for AOH affected because many fish and marine mammal species have much larger ranges than terrestrial species (perhaps an artifact of there being more ocean area). Because of this, we are likely vastly overestimating the impact of aquafeed fishing on marine species.

To clarify, vulnerability in Butt et al. is defined as: "We define a species' vulnerability to a stressor as a function of its sensitivity (the degree to which it is affected by a stressor), and adaptive capacity (ability to adapt to or recover from a stressor)"

Upon further review, there are other options for vulnerability scores we could explore, as well as refine the bycatch to better reflect AOH displacement from aquafeed fishing. Other vulnerability values of interest include biomass removal, entanglement, and bycatch. Perhaps we could do something like this:

For the bycatch vulnerability, I think we could account for gear type in some way. We could look at the gear types used to catch forage and trimmings fish species, and see the species that are caught as bycatch for those gear types. If a species is caught as bycatch from the gear types used, then they would receive the vulnerability value for bycatch, otherwise, they are not vulnerable (E.g., no habitat loss, as it isn’t a targeted species, and it isn’t associated as bycatch with any of the gear types used). We could also pare this down even more using depth values for species. For example, if a species cannot be found in any of the spatial or depth zones typically associated with the gear types used for forage fish and trimmings fish used in FMFO, the vulnerability will be categorized as 0.

We can also further rescale to 0, 0.25, and 0.5 as before, I will just need to come up with a scientific justification for this.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Had a very productive chat with Ben + team today regarding this. Here are some notes from that:

Problem: Marine species “AOH affected” is way higher than that of terrestrial, because we are treating it the same (e.g., full displacement based on vulnerability values). How do we make this more realistic?

I thought about all of this, and I think a path forward could be to do something along these lines:

Ideally we could tell if each aquamaps species were caught as bycatch by each gear type, however, we don't have that information. Watson and sea around us only tell you how much of a targeted species catch is bycatch (without info on what species the bycatch is).

Regardless, I need to incorporate the depth exclusion for the exposure, so I'll get chugging away on that before I move forward with anything else!

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Exposure methods:

Overlap those two rasters to get an exposure raster of km2 of each species per each disturbance type (disturbance type being the combination of all the categories listed above).

Vulnerability methods:

Per each depth range (benthic, bentho-pelagic, pelagic, and reef), calculate, based on gear types (which gear types affect which depth range is determined from O'Hara et al. 2023 (in prep)), the % of the catch of these species that is bycatch, globally. Do this for both forage species and trimmings species as a whole. For example, we will have:

For each species exposure metric (calculated above), multiply by the appropriate depth range bycatch % to see the amount (km2) of habitat that is exposed AND sensitive to FMFO harvest for both forage and trimmings species. This will decrease AOH exposed anwhere from ~70% to ~99.9% (for forage fish, haven't looked at trimmings fish yet), given that the majority of forage fisheries have low-bycatch gears (highly targeted). I suppose we could make this even more refined by using percentages based on specific targeted species (anchovies, sardines, etc) and gear types (bottom trawl, mid water trawl), etc, but I'm not sure that the numbers will actually change much, given this is a global scale and it is all proportional. Additionally, Casey is taking the same approach, and his paper using this method is in revision now (soon to be published).

I think that is likely sufficient, but if we wanted to pare it down even more, we could then multiply by the bycatch vulnerability values provided in Butt et al. 2022.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

All examples below are based on forage fish, fish meal, mass allocation, and plant-dominant diet

After incorporation of the depth exposure constraints (whether a species is exposed depends on if a species falls into a depth range or not), the AOH overlap is cut by ~70%!

I have calculated the AOH affected in a number of ways, which we can discuss in our meeting tomorrow. A quick overview:

Method 1:

Method 2:

Method 3:

Method 4:

Method 5:

Method 5 is the most conservative option, and I think probably makes the most sense. However, I could see an argument for Method 2 if we don't feel comfortable with the "depth vulnerability" values I have calculated, as they do decrease the AOH affected values by either ~2% or 30%, and it is citeable (e.g., using established vulnerability values from Butt et al.).

I'll work on putting together exploratory plots using method 5, so as to compare to terrestrial ingredients now!

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Updated plots using Method 5 for vulnerabilities; using both Butt et al. 2022 rescaled to 0, 0.25, and 0.5, and proportion of catch within a depth (pelagic or benthic) that is bycatch of our targeted species:





With this approach, even in the fish dominant scenarios, the terrestrial impacts are much higher than marine impacts, when looking at total km2. We see more interesting variations when looking at average impacts.

For comparisons sake, here are the same plots, using Method 2 outlined above (just using the vulnerability values from Butt et al. 2022 rescaled to 0, 0.25, and 0.5 for marine spp):





gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

The same plots, using method 5 for marine spp vulnerabilities, and only economic allocation (this is just easier to parse out differences)





cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Rather than using the discards data, I think I lean towards:

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Thought about this more this morning, and chatted with Ben and co, and realized that I believe I need to change my order of operations/methods a bit.

Currently, I am overlapping each targeted and non-targeted species by the FMFO catch for forage or trimmings (reported + IUU catch). Then to get at the amount of that which is affects non-targeted species (e.g., the bycatch amount) we multiply by the prop discards, which in reality is more of an exposure metric, rather than a vulnerability metric. We want to know how much km2 exposure there is for non-targeted species, and they are theoretically only exposed if they are bycatch. So, we need bycatch rasters.

It occurred to me that we actually have the amount of bycatch tonnage associated with FMFO catch in the Watson data. The Watson data has data for reported, IUU, and discards. We use the reported + IUU for the catch. I could calculate a proportion per species per cell that is discards, based on that information. Then I could create catch rasters (what I already have; reported + IUU) and bycatch rasters (discards) associated with forage species and trimmings species. Then, for the exposure (km2 overlap) we intersect the targeted species with the full catch rasters (reported + IUU), and the non-targeted species with the bycatch rasters (discards).

Then, once we have that overlap, we multiply by a vulnerability value (biomass removal for targeted species, bycatch vuln for non-targeted), rescaled to 0, 0.25, and 0.5, via some justification TBD (like above).

This essentially gets at what I wanted to do before, but it much more resolute. Now, we will be able to tell how much of FMFO catch in a cell is bycatch (non-species specific, just a lump sum) vs how much is actual catch used for FMFO. Does that make sense?

For Casey's latest paper, he is using bycatch rasters derived from the discards data in the Watson data, and overlapping with species ranges.

Additionally, had a really productive conservation with Ben and co today, and they gave some great feedback and ideas on how to better present the data!

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

This all sounds really good regarding these methods if you can use it to get at how bycatch is distributed across species. Quick thought is that I would leave out IUU. Th main reason is that for the main feed suppliers we are interested in commercial operations. It’s plausible there maybe some IUU in there that they are unaware of in reality but that won’t be something that passes the filter with Biomar when it comes to publication. They are pretty certain about the fisheries they get ingredients from. The second reason is chatting to Reg multiple times about this a few years back, he used to caution about putting too much stock in the IUU estimates. Reported is sufficient for your framework I think.

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On 19 Sep 2023, at 4:24 am, Gage Clawson @.***> wrote:

Thought about this more this morning, and chatted with Ben and co, and realized that I believe I need to change my order of operations/methods a bit.

Currently, I am overlapping each targeted and non-targeted species by the FMFO catch for forage or trimmings (reported + IUU catch). Then to get at the amount of that which is affects non-targeted species (e.g., the bycatch amount) we multiply by the prop discards, which in reality is more of an exposure metric, rather than a vulnerability metric.

It occurred to me that we actually have the amount of bycatch tonnage associated with FMFO catch in the Watson data. I could create catch rasters (what I already have; reported + IUU) and bycatch rasters (discards) associated with each targeted species. Then, for the exposure (km2 overlap) we intersect the targeted species with the full catch rasters (reported + IUU), and the non-targeted species with the bycatch rasters (discards).

Then, once we have that overlap, we multiply by a vulnerability value (biomass removal for targeted species, bycatch vuln for non-targeted), rescaled to 0, 0.25, and 0.5, via some justification TBD (like above).

This essentially gets at what I wanted to do before, but it much more resolute. Now, we will be able to tell how much of FMFO catch in a cell is bycatch (non-species specific, just a lump sum) vs how much is actual catch used for FMFO.

For Casey's latest paper, he is using bycatch rasters derived from the discards data in the Watson data, and overlapping with species ranges.

Additionally, had a really productive conservation with Ben and co today, and they gave some great feedback and ideas on how to better present the data!

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