Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project / feed_biodiv_impact_mapping

This repository holds the code used to support Clawson et al ... <Final manuscript reference to be inserted>
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Accounting for trade among countries #2

Closed gclawson1 closed 1 year ago

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Based on what me and @cottrellr talked about last week, I've been taking a look at the food trade repo (I think its private so you won't be able to see) that Jessica Gephart is working on to start brainstorming if we could account for trade in our paper. Hopefully we can get a more accurate picture of what countries contribute to aquafeed pressures/impacts.

"For each crop or animal producing country, we first calculated the proportion of each product that they trade with each consuming country (e.g., Country A trades 10% of their total grain production to Country B). Given that this trade matrix includes self-loops, the proportion of each product that a country produces and then consumes is also included."

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

I've started digging into the trade data that Jessica and co have created, and here is what I've found:

It appears they have trade information (for 2017) for 4 types of salmonid feed from crops:

[1] "grain"   "oilcrop" "pulse"   "soybean"

They have it grouped as feed_producing_country and animal_consuming_country. So if I filter for just Norway as the "animal_consuming_country", I believe that this is all of the salmon fish that Norway produces itself and consumes, and all of the fish that Norway imports, and the associated feed production (tonnage) for that fish.

For example, this data is saying that in 2017, of the salmon that Norway consumed, they imported ~477 tonnes of pulses feed from the UK associated with that salmon?

I think ideally we would actually want information that told us how much feed is associated with the production of salmon in Norway, not the consumption... right? They probably have to have that information in an intermediate step somewhere, so I will look for that.

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

You're right we don't need the feed that is associated with the consumption of salmon but we want the production.

I think using their data could work for the first chapter. But my only concern in the long run is we will need to start thinking about sugar cane for microalgae and fish trimmings and so being able to select the trade categories will be important - rather than just those that are preprocessed. But yes for comparing a fish- to plant-dominant feed I think that could work if they have those intermediate steps.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Looked through their script, and it appears they do have that information (they just didn't save it as a csv anywhere), so we could probably get our hands on it. However, I want to think through if this is something we actually need.

Let's say we get this data (and presumably they have something similar for fish oil and meal), how are we planning to use it? So basically we just want to know the amount of a countries crop (soybean, pulses, etc) and FMFO production that actually goes to feed (regardless of where it ends up, since all we really care about in this case is the feed producing country)? Then we would take that amount (probably a percentage) and multiply it by the appropriate crop or fishing rasters? This way we would have rasters for every area that contributes to global aquaculture feed?

Does that make any sense at all??

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Been thinking through this more. I think this is the workflow we could use to get a more realistic view of which countries are producing feeds.

What our (the raw material origins rasters @cottrellr created) current rasters show:

What we could have:

Now we could take our total raw material production rasters and multiply them by "prop raw material to total" column above:

Global soybean prod: image

Multiplied by

Feed producing country raw material animal type prop raw material to total
UKR soybean Salmon 0.1
IND soybean Salmon 0.29
USA soybean Salmon 0.19
BRA soybean Salmon 0.33

The resulting raster would be a raster of soybean crop that is used to support global demand for salmon feed. And we could do the same thing for each crop type and fish oil/fishmeal. And probably have some threshold for exclusion if the amount of tonnes is too small or something.

Then we take to pressures (?) and overlay with AOH to get at impacts.

I'm going to take a look at the trade data to see if the numbers of feed produced generally make sense.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Wanted to take a look at the top feed producing countries for salmonid aquaculture (inland and marine) from the trade data. Filtered for top 15 and >1000 tonnes for each raw material:


Does this line up with expectations?

Here are tables instead:

feed_producing_country feed_category sum_tonnes
NOR grain 252160.91
GBR grain 91855.81
CHL grain 87068.79
RUS grain 69697.16
TUR grain 67901.81
ARG grain 67112.13
CAN grain 65374.65
USA grain 63509.80
CHN grain 53487.20
FRA grain 50827.35
SWE grain 48113.20
DEU grain 39670.78
POL grain 32006.18
DNK grain 30340.22
IRN grain 29253.64
feed_producing_country feed_category sum_tonnes
CAN oilcrop 165413.60
RUS oilcrop 133855.44
CHL oilcrop 126680.45
GBR oilcrop 116391.38
ARG oilcrop 101457.60
AUS oilcrop 62988.14
UKR oilcrop 38906.92
DNK oilcrop 37396.69
FRA oilcrop 30166.72
DEU oilcrop 29162.73
USA oilcrop 26044.66
LTU oilcrop 22974.41
ESP oilcrop 20270.94
LVA oilcrop 18751.38
ROU oilcrop 17417.14
feed_producing_country feed_category sum_tonnes
GBR pulse 567074.500
AUS pulse 100894.067
CAN pulse 83364.783
IRL pulse 49557.201
USA pulse 43000.567
FRA pulse 38736.080
RUS pulse 22840.790
SWE pulse 18309.970
EST pulse 13399.471
CHL pulse 8794.677
LTU pulse 8679.279
ARG pulse 8308.124
TUR pulse 7610.836
IND pulse 5521.726
MMR pulse 5422.004
feed_producing_country feed_category sum_tonnes
BRA soybean 85079.733
ARG soybean 75870.490
CAN soybean 61495.856
PRY soybean 45294.335
USA soybean 23550.766
BOL soybean 14611.776
RUS soybean 3468.259
UKR soybean 1620.373
cottrellr commented 1 year ago
  • Know which countries actually support the salmon industry based on the trade data.

Yeah I see this as being the importance of the trade data. Norway's dependence will almost certainly dffer to the UK, Canada, Chile etc. So this is why trade will help us spatialise the impacts.

cottrellr commented 1 year ago
  • In this case, we don't really care about the trade pathways (right?)

Not sure what you mean by pathways - i.e. how many trade steps there are? Do you mean forage fish could be caught off Peru processed in Thailand and sent to Norway. In this instance we care about the impacts in Peru if that makes sense.

cottrellr commented 1 year ago
  • What we want:

    • Data frame with the demand sum for each country and feed type:

Salmon producing country raw material animal type Tonnes of raw material used (that was imported or created locally) NOR soybean Salmon 50 CHL fish oil Salmon 25 UK wheat Salmon 20 AUS Palm oil Salmon 30

Yeah there are some tricky details that we need to pay attention to in trade data. Trade data may have the resolution of "soybeans" (as in the whole raw material) or FM/FO (which is the ingredient level). We need to convert it all to embodied raw material biomass (wet weight of fish or harvested equivalents for crop products).

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago
  • What we want:

    • Data frame with the demand sum for each country and feed type:

Salmon producing country raw material animal type Tonnes of raw material used (that was imported or created locally) NOR soybean Salmon 50 CHL fish oil Salmon 25 UK wheat Salmon 20 AUS Palm oil Salmon 30

Yeah there are some tricky details that we need to pay attention to in trade data. Trade data may have the resolution of "soybeans" (as in the whole raw material) or FM/FO (which is the ingredient level). We need to convert it all to embodied raw material biomass (wet weight of fish or harvested equivalents for crop products).

Right.. I'm not suuuper familiar with their methods, but I know they do use FAO and mapspam crop names for everything else included, so I think it is safe to assume that the feed data they have made is derived from this. They probably just aggregated it this way for ease of use.

cottrellr commented 1 year ago
  • Data frame with supply sum for each raw material producing country and raw material type". We know this info because the trade data will have this.

Feed producing country raw material animal type Tonnes of raw material for feed (that was traded or used locally) Total raw material produced prop raw material to total UKR soybean Salmon 100 1000 0.1 ARG fish oil Salmon 200 700 0.29 USA wheat Salmon 150 800 0.19 BRA Palm oil Salmon 300 900 0.33

Yeah so understanding what proportion of the feed demand in terms of raw material equivalents or ingredients will be likely supplied from where is important. It's up to you when you make this conversion. The trade data could have FMFO as a resolution - but how that maps to forage fish depends on the FMFO yields of the fish harvested (Peruvian anchovy may have a different yield for both FM and FO to Atlantic herring for example). So you could calculate the embedded forage fish after learning what proportion of FMFO comes from where. But if the trade data is also in soybeans (raw material) - you would first how to understand how demand for e.g. soy protein concentrate converts into the soybeans before splitting up among the countries - does that make sense?

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Now we could take our total raw material production rasters and multiply them by "prop raw material to total" column above:

Global soybean prod: image

Yeah once you have the raw material quantities you can populate a raster of feed production for salmon for each raw material as you have. Might also be worth converting different ingredients which depend on the same raw material (e.g. corn gluten meal, corn starch) into one quantity (rather than a quantity per ingredient).

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Multiplied by

Feed producing country raw material animal type prop raw material to total UKR soybean Salmon 0.1 IND soybean Salmon 0.29 USA soybean Salmon 0.19 BRA soybean Salmon 0.33 The resulting raster would be a raster of soybean crop that is used to support global demand for salmon feed. And we could do the same thing for each crop type and fish oil/fishmeal. And probably have some threshold for exclusion if the amount of tonnes is too small or something.

Then we take to pressures (?) and overlay with AOH to get at impacts.

I'm going to take a look at the trade data to see if the numbers of feed produced generally make sense.

We will also need to think about how we attack AOH once you have all those species habitat layers sorted.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

I just wanted to have a look at how the trade data on feed producing countries compared to your data on crop demand in the plant based diet using gross economic allocation. Obviously this isn't exactly the same due to the concerns you just raised regarding the resolution of the trade data (e.g. soybeans vs soy protein concentrate), but it actually matches kind of well (aside from pulses, not really sure whats happening there, probably some dry weight conversion or something). Grain difference is probably due to crop loss or something with stalks:


"sum_tonnes" is the producing countries sum of feed (global) "crop_demand" is the mean of your "total_crop_demand" column in this data feed_pressure_mapping/data/tidy_data/demand/sourcing_countries_crops.rds" The groupings and resolutions of the crops probably aren't exactly the same, but this seems promising, at least on a global level

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Wanted to take a look at the top feed producing countries for salmonid aquaculture (inland and marine) from the trade data. Filtered for top 15 and >1000 tonnes for each raw material:


Does this line up with expectations?

Yeah I think the top players are outlined there. Do you know if this is what the trade data is limited too? "oil crop" seems like a pretty general category and would be very different for canola oil vs palm oil vs linseed oil or soy oil. And just going on this for all oil crops could spit out some eyebrow raising stuff. Like most palm oil coming from Canada or something like that (not that we have palm oil but you know what I mean)

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

I just wanted to have a look at how the trade data on feed producing countries compared to your data on crop demand in the plant based diet using gross economic allocation. Obviously this isn't exactly the same due to the concerns you just raised regarding the resolution of the trade data (e.g. soybeans vs soy protein concentrate), but it actually matches kind of well (aside from pulses, not really sure whats happening there, probably some dry weight conversion or something). Grain difference is probably due to crop loss or something with stalks:


"sum_tonnes" is the producing countries sum of feed (global) "crop_demand" is the mean of your "total_crop_demand" column in this data feed_pressure_mapping/data/tidy_data/demand/sourcing_countries_crops.rds" The groupings and resolutions of the crops probably aren't exactly the same, but this seems promising, at least on a global level

Yeah cool. I think we need to do the conversions to be as accurate as possible but good to know it's in the ball park (no order of magnitude differences). Pulse is weirdly different.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Well based on all of this, I think the way forward is to leverage this trade data. I'll keep exploring their repo to see if I can answer the questions regarding what is contained in their feed categories. I'm almost positive that we could recreate their data (or they already have it in an intermediate step) but with better resolution categories for our purposes.

I'll also send out an email to Jessica/Mel/Ben and co to get their thoughts/approval on actually using this data and if they think it will suit our project... I assume it will be ok but I kind of stole it off of Aurora hahaha

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Perfect yeah - it might be that if they have gotten the data from COMTRADE and then cleaned it that is the best data for what we need. But if they have that, it would be a huge help. Definitely good to ask whether it can be used - but also the source of the data and what was done to it (even if they just provide cleaned raw data). Thinking across the course of your project we will need to start introducing ingredients not covered in what they have so yeah as broad as possible is what we need.

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

The five crop categories we include are grains (barley, maize, sorghum, rice, millet, wheat, rye, oats, and other cereals), palm kernels, soybeans, oil crops (cottonseed, groundnuts, other oil crops, rape and mustard seed, sesame seed, and sunflower seed), and pulses (peas, beans, and other pulses).

gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

A little update on where I'm at.

I'm nearly finished working through all of Mel's scripts. I updated the FCRs to match what you did in the raw material origins paper (using Tacon & Metian 2008 values). I also updated the diet composition to match that of Aas et al 2022 (the 2020 diet). As of now I've left out the fish trimmings, microingredients, and "other" category. In Mel's scripts, she accounted for extraction rates from raw mapspam crops to each processed raw material (like going from soybeans to soy protein concentrate), and I've done that too.

I still need to rasterize this information, but here is a bar chart of likely countries of origin for raw material production for crops:


Here is what I have for likely place of origin for forage fish catch going to salmon aquaculture feed (logged):


I think it should be fairly easy to retrofit the code to add other diets, for now I just wanted to get it up and running for diet in Aas et al as a test run.

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Awesome - this looks great. Digging into the fish trimmings should be interesting, along with the other new additions to that feed. There is probably some information out there about where these trimmings are coming from in terms of species and then we can probably start to look at the trade data to make some assumptions about their source.

Then once we have good raw material conversion factors across all ingredients we can sub them in too.

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

On 21 Mar 2023, at 2:38 pm, Gage Clawson @.**@.>> wrote:

A little update on where I'm at.

I'm nearly finished working through all of Mel's scripts. I updated the FCRs to match what you did in the raw material origins paper (using Tacon & Metian 2008 values). I also updated the diet composition to match that of Aas et al 2022 (the 2020 diet). As of now I've left out the fish trimmings, microingredients, and "other" category. In Mel's scripts, she accounted for extraction rates from raw mapspam crops to each processed raw material (like going from soybeans to soy protein concentrate).

I still need to rasterize this information, but here is a bar chart of likely countries of origin for raw material production for crops:


Here is what I have for likely place of origin for forage fish catch going to salmon aquaculture feed (logged):


I think it should be fairly easy to retrofit the code to add other diets, for now I just wanted to get it up and running for diet in Aas et al as a test run.

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gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Writing up the workflow for how I've calculated raw material origins. Just want another set of eyes on it to make sure it makes sense, and it'll help when writing up methods eventually

Question: Because I am using trade data to determine raw material origins, am I correct in assuming I don't need to use any allocation approaches like you do, Rich? Since we know (basically) where the materials are coming based on the trade, we don't need to estimate where they originate using allocation?

Workflow showing how to estimate raw material origins based on trade and diet data

Figure out origin of crops using trade data:

Start with production data for all crops


Read in FAO food balance sheets to determine imports, exports, feed, and domestic supply for each country and crop


Join MapSPAM prod data with FBS data This shows us that ~91% of the total supply of barley is local in Norway


FAO provides a trade matrix showing tonnes of each crop imported into each country. Match this to SPAM crop categories

Do a bit more data wrangling and calculate the prop of supply for each country and crop that is imported or grown locally. Ex: This shows that Norway imports ~92% of its total sugarbeet supply from Russia


Grab diet composition data from Aas et al for Atlantic salmon and assume every salmon producing country uses this diet (this will be our "plant diet")

Calculate feed ingredient demand using the same methods as Rich (e.g. eFCR ratios from Tacon & Metian)


Join ingredient demand to MapSPAM production data based on equivalent MapSPAM crop category. E.g. "coconut oil" ingredient is equivalent to MapSPAM "oil of coconuts" category

source_ingredient product
coconut oil oil of coconuts
corn gluten maize gluten
faba beans faba bean
guar protein guar protein
linseed oil oil of linseed
pea flour pea other
pea protein pea protein
rapeseed and camelina oil oil of rapeseed
soy protein concentrate soy protein concentrate
soybean oil oil of soya bean
sunflower cake of sunflower seed
wheat wheat
wheat gluten wheat gluten

Determine processing loss. It looks like Mel and team figured out crop loss adjustments based on literature review. So they figured out the amount of loss there is from going from a raw coconut to coconut oil (~79% loss of weight), or maize to maize gluten (16% loss). You can see below that now we know that 377,237 tonnes of soy protein concentrate is equal to ~ 428678 tonnes of raw soy... same process done with fofm.


Now we have the amount of raw materials each country needs to supply their aquaculture production, the import/export stats for total crop/fofm, so we can match those up and determine prop of production in each cell that goes to aquaculture feeds

Now create rasters describing the proportion of each country's forage fish catch going to salmon feed in the location of capture.


Now create rasters for each crop describing the amount of each crop consumed in each country by salmon aquaculture systems.

This says that ~78% of pulse production in Norway goes to pea protein, regardless of where it ends up.


Logged tonnes of production of soy protein concentrate for the Aas et al 2022 diet


I glossed over a number of data wrangling things here, but I think this gives the general idea of the workflow.

Now the next step is to add another diet, which should be pretty trivial. I think I'll start with the "fish-dominant" diet Rich uses in his raw material origins paper

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Hi Gage,

Great that you are figuring out the process. Sorry for banging on about it but I think the conversion from ingredient to raw material needs to be thought about a little more though. The loss is 1 - the extraction rate (yield) I take it? What that yield does not tell you is how much of other products are coming out of the same biomass of raw material as the e.g. wheat gluten. The biomass needed for wheat gluten will also support wheat flour production for example. Soy oil and lecithin both are produced from dehulled soybeans before being processed into defatted flakes which SPC, SBM etc from.

Attributing the whole biomass to one ingredient from the process disproportionately penalises the use of by-products (which typically have low extraction rates e.g. 0.08 so ingredient demand divided by that extraction rate gives A LOT of raw material). Being properly able to distribute the impacts across ingredients needs to account for this. This is why I have used the mass and energetic allocation approaches in my paper. Probably something we can add back in once you have the whole process down….

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

From: Gage Clawson @.> Date: Friday, 24 March 2023 at 1:08 pm To: Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.> Cc: Richard Cottrell @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping] Accounting for trade among countries (Issue #2)

Writing up the workflow for how I've calculated raw material origins. Just want another set of eyes on it to make sure it makes sense, and it'll help when writing up methods eventually

Question: Because I am using trade data to determine raw material origins, am I correct in assuming I don't need to use any allocation approaches like you do, Rich? Since we know (basically) where the materials are coming based on the trade, we don't need to estimate where they originate using allocation?

Workflow showing how to estimate raw material origins based on trade and diet data

Figure out origin of crops using trade data:

Start with production data for all crops [image]

Read in FAO food balance sheets to determine imports, exports, feed, and domestic supply for each country and crop [image]

Join MapSPAM prod data with FBS data This shows us that ~91% of the total supply of barley is local in Norway


FAO provides a trade matrix showing tonnes of each crop imported into each country. Match this to SPAM crop categories

Do a bit more data wrangling and calculate the prop of supply for each country and crop that is imported or grown locally. Ex: This shows that Norway imports ~92% of its total sugarbeet supply from Russia


Grab diet composition data from Aas et al for Atlantic salmon and assume every salmon producing country uses this diet (this will be our "plant diet")

Calculate feed ingredient demand using the same methods as Rich (e.g. eFCR ratios from Tacon & Metian)


Join ingredient demand to MapSPAM production data based on equivalent MapSPAM crop category. E.g. "coconut oil" ingredient is equivalent to MapSPAM "oil of coconuts" category source_ingredient product coconut oil oil of coconuts corn gluten maize gluten faba beans faba bean guar protein guar protein linseed oil oil of linseed pea flour pea other pea protein pea protein rapeseed and camelina oil oil of rapeseed soy protein concentrate soy protein concentrate soybean oil oil of soya bean sunflower cake of sunflower seed wheat wheat wheat gluten wheat gluten

Determine processing loss. It looks like Mel and team figured out crop loss adjustments based on literature review. So they figured out the amount of loss there is from going from a raw coconut to coconut oil (~79% loss of weight), or maize to maize gluten (16% loss). You can see below that now we know that 377,237 tonnes of soy protein concentrate is equal to ~ 428678 tonnes of raw soy... same process done with fofm.


Now create rasters describing the proportion of each country's forage fish catch going to salmon feed in the location of capture.


Now create rasters for each crop describing the amount of each crop consumed in each country by salmon aquaculture systems.

Logged tonnes of production of soy protein concentrate for the Aas et al 2022 diet


Now the next step is to add another diet, which should be pretty trivial. I think I'll start with the "fish-dominant" diet Rich uses in his raw material origins paper

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cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Unless I have missed something here….soy protein concentrate is a category in MAPSPAM? i.e. this table

source_ingredient product coconut oil oil of coconuts corn gluten maize gluten faba beans faba bean guar protein guar protein linseed oil oil of linseed pea flour pea other pea protein pea protein rapeseed and camelina oil oil of rapeseed soy protein concentrate soy protein concentrate soybean oil oil of soya bean sunflower cake of sunflower seed wheat wheat wheat gluten wheat gluten

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

From: Richard Cottrell @.> Date: Friday, 24 March 2023 at 2:27 pm To: Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.>, Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.> Cc: Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping] Accounting for trade among countries (Issue #2) Hi Gage,

Great that you are figuring out the process. Sorry for banging on about it but I think the conversion from ingredient to raw material needs to be thought about a little more though. The loss is 1 - the extraction rate (yield) I take it? What that yield does not tell you is how much of other products are coming out of the same biomass of raw material as the e.g. wheat gluten. The biomass needed for wheat gluten will also support wheat flour production for example. Soy oil and lecithin both are produced from dehulled soybeans before being processed into defatted flakes which SPC, SBM etc from.

Attributing the whole biomass to one ingredient from the process disproportionately penalises the use of by-products (which typically have low extraction rates e.g. 0.08 so ingredient demand divided by that extraction rate gives A LOT of raw material). Being properly able to distribute the impacts across ingredients needs to account for this. This is why I have used the mass and energetic allocation approaches in my paper. Probably something we can add back in once you have the whole process down….

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

From: Gage Clawson @.> Date: Friday, 24 March 2023 at 1:08 pm To: Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.> Cc: Richard Cottrell @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping] Accounting for trade among countries (Issue #2)

Writing up the workflow for how I've calculated raw material origins. Just want another set of eyes on it to make sure it makes sense, and it'll help when writing up methods eventually

Question: Because I am using trade data to determine raw material origins, am I correct in assuming I don't need to use any allocation approaches like you do, Rich? Since we know (basically) where the materials are coming based on the trade, we don't need to estimate where they originate using allocation?

Workflow showing how to estimate raw material origins based on trade and diet data

Figure out origin of crops using trade data:

Start with production data for all crops [image]

Read in FAO food balance sheets to determine imports, exports, feed, and domestic supply for each country and crop [image]

Join MapSPAM prod data with FBS data This shows us that ~91% of the total supply of barley is local in Norway


FAO provides a trade matrix showing tonnes of each crop imported into each country. Match this to SPAM crop categories

Do a bit more data wrangling and calculate the prop of supply for each country and crop that is imported or grown locally. Ex: This shows that Norway imports ~92% of its total sugarbeet supply from Russia


Grab diet composition data from Aas et al for Atlantic salmon and assume every salmon producing country uses this diet (this will be our "plant diet")

Calculate feed ingredient demand using the same methods as Rich (e.g. eFCR ratios from Tacon & Metian)


Join ingredient demand to MapSPAM production data based on equivalent MapSPAM crop category. E.g. "coconut oil" ingredient is equivalent to MapSPAM "oil of coconuts" category source_ingredient product coconut oil oil of coconuts corn gluten maize gluten faba beans faba bean guar protein guar protein linseed oil oil of linseed pea flour pea other pea protein pea protein rapeseed and camelina oil oil of rapeseed soy protein concentrate soy protein concentrate soybean oil oil of soya bean sunflower cake of sunflower seed wheat wheat wheat gluten wheat gluten

Determine processing loss. It looks like Mel and team figured out crop loss adjustments based on literature review. So they figured out the amount of loss there is from going from a raw coconut to coconut oil (~79% loss of weight), or maize to maize gluten (16% loss). You can see below that now we know that 377,237 tonnes of soy protein concentrate is equal to ~ 428678 tonnes of raw soy... same process done with fofm.


Now create rasters describing the proportion of each country's forage fish catch going to salmon feed in the location of capture.


Now create rasters for each crop describing the amount of each crop consumed in each country by salmon aquaculture systems.

Logged tonnes of production of soy protein concentrate for the Aas et al 2022 diet


Now the next step is to add another diet, which should be pretty trivial. I think I'll start with the "fish-dominant" diet Rich uses in his raw material origins paper

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gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry thats not right... should look like this. Just a lookup table:


And right... the allocation stuff makes more sense now. I wasn't thinking about it that way. We definitely will want to account for the other types of products so not to over allocate impacts that might not be there

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Yeah sorry, that was me, a function of me copying and pasting in the email rather than through the issue.

What we can do is compare how the estimates of raw material demand are coming out from the way you have it now and from using a conversion factor. If they are approximately the same for both approaches (from a quick look they actually might be) then there is probably no issue. Although for work going forward, we will need a systematic way to think about how ingredients convert to raw materials so we can look into some of thos by-products more as a focus of some of the work.

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

From: Gage Clawson @.> Date: Friday, 24 March 2023 at 4:37 pm To: Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.> Cc: Richard Cottrell @.>, Mention @.> Subject: Re: [Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping] Accounting for trade among countries (Issue #2)

Oh sorry thats not right... should look like this. Just a lookup table:


And right... the allocation stuff makes more sense now. I wasn't thinking about it that way. We definitely will want to account for the other types of products so not to over allocate impacts that might not be there

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gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Retrofitted code to include a fish-dominant diet. Pretty easy to change/add new diets now:


cottrellr commented 1 year ago


juliablanchard commented 1 year ago


Professor Julia Blanchard (she/her) ARC Future Fellow Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies & Centre for Marine Socioecology College of Science and Engineering University of Tasmania

Please note I work Tuesdays-Fridays

E: @.**@.> T: +61 (0)3 W: ; www.sizeecology.com

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters on which I work and live, and pay my respects to the Elders, past and present.

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From: Gage Clawson @.> Sent: Tuesday, 28 March 2023 3:33 PM To: Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: Re: [Sustainable-Aquafeeds-Project/feed_biodiv_impact_mapping] Accounting for trade among countries (Issue #2)

Retrofitted code to include a fish-dominant diet. Pretty easy to change/add new diets now:


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gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Here is what the raw material origins look like after implementing the mass allocation conversion factors (plant material only; excluding soy oil and coconut oil):

Plant diet: image

Fish diet: image

cottrellr commented 1 year ago

Nice, what I’ll do is set up an issue for priority ingredients for conversion factors.

Richard S. Cottrell Research Fellow in Aquaculture Sustainability Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies College of Sciences and Engineering University of Tasmania

Theme Co-Lead, Sustainable Futures and Planetary Health Centre for Marine Socioecology University of Tasmania

Size Ecology Lab | Centre for Marine Socioecology Google Scholar | ORCID | @RichCottrell22

On 31 Mar 2023, at 2:21 pm, Gage Clawson @.**@.>> wrote:

Here is what the raw material origins look like after implementing the mass allocation conversion factors (plant material only; excluding soy oil and coconut oil):

Plant diet: [image]

Fish diet: [image]

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gclawson1 commented 1 year ago

Finished rerunning my scripts after adding pea flour, soy oil, and coconut oil, and accounting for all co-products with mass and energetic allocation.

Adjusted source ingredient plots

Fish-dominant energetic allocation: image

Plant-dominant energetic allocation: image

Fish-dominant mass allocation: image

Plant-dominant mass allocation: image

Next step is to figure out the fish ingredients.