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Prototype toolkit for sustainable urban design at the speed of thought.
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Quantify UN Sustainable Development Goals and corresponding indicators #151

Open brylie opened 3 years ago

brylie commented 3 years ago

The United Nations Development Programme has defined a framework of Sustainable Development Goals. The goals typically include one or more development indicators that may be possible to quantify and track. Research the SDGs/indicators to determine which of them can be quantified. See if any other open-source projects/libraries have similar ambitions of quantifying sustainability data, and in particular the UN SDGs.

brylie commented 3 years ago

The Open SDG project has defined a data model for quantifying sustainable development goals.

brylie commented 3 years ago

Data related to the Sustainable Development Report 2019 are available online under an open license. Likewise the 2020 SDG report data is also available on GitHub.

brylie commented 3 years ago

The Sustainable Development Goals Interface Ontology (SDGIO) project aims to clarify the nature of and inter-linkages between the entities referenced by the SDGs, their targets, and indicators. SDGIO imports multiple OBO Foundry ontologies to help link data products to the SDGs.

brylie commented 3 years ago

UK and US SDG indicators are published online, under open licenses:

brylie commented 3 years ago

The UN Stats SDGs project has structured data that includes descriptions and computation methods for all SDGs and sub-goals.

brylie commented 3 years ago

Envision Tomorrow has published several scenario planning models, which might be useful in this task.