Sustainscapes / Artscore

The Artscore package calculates biodiversity measures, including Artscore, Strukturindeks, and Naturtilstandindeks. It provides functions to get weights and subweights, retrieve available habitats and species, and compute natural condition and Strukturindeks values.
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A mean of 0 #1

Open PelleKledal opened 2 years ago

PelleKledal commented 2 years ago

Using the Artscore function gives awfully low mean or even a mean of 0 for the habitat of 7140. So i would like to know if i'm doing something wrong with my data, or it's something with the habitat type.

The species within the site are as following:

Something2 <- structure(list(latinsk_navn = c("Calamagrostis canescens", "Carex nigra var. nigra", "Carex rostrata", "Carex strigosa", "Cirsium palustre", "Comarum palustre", "Eleocharis palustris ssp. vulgaris", "Epilobium palustre", "Equisetum fluviatile", "Filipendula ulmaria", "Galium palustre ssp. palustre", "Glyceria maxima", "Hippuris vulgaris", "Holcus lanatus", "Juncus articulatus", "Juncus conglomeratus", "Juncus effusus", "Lotus pedunculatus var. pedunculatus", "Menyanthes trifoliata", "Phragmites australis", "Salix aurita"), Habitatskode = c("7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140", "7140")), row.names = c(NA, -21L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))

rasmus87 commented 1 year ago

This is probably the same problem with the average numbers as #2