Sustainsys / Saml2

Saml2 Authentication services for ASP.NET
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Idp-initiated SSO w/ AspNetCore2 Handler #1030

Closed sai450 closed 5 years ago

sai450 commented 5 years ago

Idp-Initiated SSO (Unsolicited SSO) Auth does not seem to work when using AspNetCore2 Handler

I used SSOCircle as the identity provider and AspNetCore2 sample to test. Apart from the default settings, I have set ReturnUrl to "/account/externallogin?handler=callback" and set AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse to true

Observation: When the execution reaches OnGetCallbackAsync handler (ExternalLogin.cshtml.cs) via Idp Initiated SSO, call to the following line of code returns null (where as the same line of code successfully retrieves ExternalLoginInfo with UserPrincipal and Claims for SP Initiated Logins).

var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

Prior to reaching ExternalLogin Callback handler, Logs indicate "Successfully processed SAML response" and "Identity.External signed in", however the callback handler fails to retrieve ExternalLoginInfo.

Library/Framework Versions: TargetFramework: net472 Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2: 2.0.0

I believe this could be a bug (Unless I'm missing something). Any help is appreciated.

AndersAbel commented 5 years ago

This needs debugging.

AndersAbel commented 5 years ago

This is due to how SignInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync works. It expects and looks for a provider in the relayData:

With an Idp-initiated sign on, there is no relayData. So you need to make your own implementation of GetExternalLoginInfoAsync that covers for that.

sai450 commented 5 years ago

Thank you, Anders for looking into this. I'll try to implement custom logic for GetExternalLoginInfoAsync like you suggested.

AndersAbel commented 5 years ago

@sai450 Well, I just had to implement it myself for a customer :) It's mostly a matter of copying the existing code and removing the provider check. Then you somehow have to find out the provider key - can be hard coded if Saml2 is the only external provider.

mickey-stringer commented 4 years ago

@AndersAbel can you expand on that? I assume you mean to remove this, but can you confirm: if (providerKey == null || provider == null) { return null; }

And then what value did you use to hardcode the provider key?

Edit: I was able to figure this out. Posting the steps I took for reference. As Anders said, create a custom implementation of the SignInManger class. Make sure to change the namespace and the class name, then register it in Startup: services.AddTransient<CustomSignInManager<IdentityUser>>();

Remove || !items.ContainsKey(LoginProviderKey) (commented out below) at line 593:

public virtual async Task<ExternalLoginInfo> GetExternalLoginInfoAsync(string expectedXsrf = null)
            var auth = await Context.AuthenticateAsync(IdentityConstants.ExternalScheme);
            var items = auth?.Properties?.Items;
            if (auth?.Principal == null || items == null) // || !items.ContainsKey(LoginProviderKey)) -- Items does not contain LoginProviderKey in Idp-initiated flow
                return null;

Then hardcode (or figure out a better way to substitute) the value of the provider variable where it tries to retrieve the LoginProviderKey at line 612:

var provider = "Saml2"; //items[LoginProviderKey] as string; - LoginProviderKey isn't present in Idp-initiated flow

At this point, authentication should work. New logins will still be prompted to register with an email, - and confirm that email - but they are authenticated.

AndersAbel commented 4 years ago

@mickey-stringer Thanks for taking the time to post the how-to!

mickey-stringer commented 4 years ago

@AndersAbel thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

Jrssnyder commented 3 years ago

@mickey-stringer and @AndersAbel I have a similar issue with IdP-initiated login. For my setup, please see

As you can see from the code samples on SO, I am not using a sign-in manager, but am directly calling: await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync(ApplicationSamlConstants.External); But for IdP-initiated, it has no information. (It is now working for SP-initiated, though).
AuthenticateResult.Succeeded is false, and AuthenticateResult.None is true.

Can either of you offer any advice? Thanks so much for any assistance you can offer.

Jrssnyder commented 3 years ago

Update, just FYI: When I run the solution in Visual Studio, it works, using the test IdP provider, i.e., And when I deploy the solution to my local IIS instance on my desktop, it still works, using the test IdP provider But when I deploy that same exact code to our production server (a VM), it fails as described above. Any thoughts on what to look for or how to debug further?

Jrssnyder commented 3 years ago

I have captured the following debugging information (from the production VM): 2020-09-15 16:01:40.574 -05:00 [DBG] Received unsolicited Saml Response Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml2.Saml2Id which is allowed for idp 2020-09-15 16:01:40.590 -05:00 [DBG] Signature validation passed for Saml Response Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml2.Saml2Id 2020-09-15 16:01:40.652 -05:00 [DBG] Extracted SAML assertion id16338952065129118260692652 2020-09-15 16:01:40.652 -05:00 [INF] Successfully processed SAML response Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens.Saml2.Saml2Id and authenticated 2020-09-15 16:01:41.433 -05:00 [ERR] SAML Authentication Failure: authenticateResult.Failure (Exception object) is null; No information was returned for the authentication scheme; authenticateResult.Principal is null; authenticateResult.Properties is null. authenticateResult.Ticket is null.

Narshe1412 commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to have both implementations at the same time? On my identityserver we allow OIDC, Microsoft Accounts, and regular SAML with the Sustainsys package. One of our users asked to check if we can support Idp initiated. I wouldn't like to cripple the support for all the other users while trying to support this specific case.

Thanks for the input!

AndersAbel commented 2 years ago

@Narshe1412 Yes. The setting to allow Idp initiated is per Idp.

Narshe1412 commented 2 years ago

Apologies, I meant both implementations of the Signing Manager :) PS: Thanks for the quick response.

mickey-stringer commented 2 years ago

@Narshe1412 you'd still need to use a custom SignInManager in order to handle the IDP-initiated flow, you just need to make it more resilient/flexible so that your SP-initiated methods are still supported. Basically, you'll treat IDP-initiated flow as a fallback. Use duck typing to determine if the auth attempt is IDP-initiated (e.g. items is null), and then apply the modified code.

IAMHK90 commented 1 year ago

var provider = "Saml2"; //items[LoginProviderKey] as string; - LoginProviderKey isn't present in Idp-initiated flow

I see that provider value was hard coded, but in my case I do have mutiple Idp-initiated logins. @mickey-stringer Is there a way to obtain the provider key dynamically, depending on the external provider?

mickey-stringer commented 1 year ago

@IAMHK90 It's been a while since I've worked with this package, but since you register different IDPs based on their metadata and signing keys and such, there is a way to access which provider a login is coming from. I just don't recall exactly how/where to do that, and I no longer have access to the repository where I implemented it. I do know I paused the debugger on every single step of the login process to see the available claims and figure it out, so you should at least be able to get somewhere by doing that!

Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck!

sai450 commented 1 year ago

@IAMHK90 - It varies by implementation and requirements but one way to figure out the provider it is to define a unique ReturnUrl under SP Options for each unique IDP (in our case the ReturnUrl is naturally dynamic and varies per client due to a multi-tenant setup). Then, in the custom SignInManager, you can figure out the LoginProviderKey value based on the requested path. (you would still need to debug line by line like @mickey-stringer mentioned to find the setup that best works for you)