Sutto / rocket_pants

API building tools on top of ActionController. Also, an awesome name.
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Not compatible with active_model_serializers 0.9.x #123

Open icem opened 9 years ago

icem commented 9 years ago

According to active_model_serializers changelog they removed method Model#active_model_serializer. The problem that rocket_pants uses this method if it's present to get serializer from model:

serializer = object.active_model_serializer if object.respond_to?(:active_model_serializer) && serializer.nil?

The workaround to specify serializer explicitly on expose call.

Sutto commented 9 years ago

Interesting - I'll take a look into how they handle the detection now and see how hard it would be to integrate into RP

icem commented 9 years ago

For people on rails 4.2 looking for easy workaround while issue not fixed: I added this to initializers folder:

# Extracted from old active_model_serializers 0.8
# This patch fixes rocket_pants 1.11.0 compatibility with active_model_serializers 0.9
module ActiveModel::SerializerSupport
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  module ClassMethods #:nodoc:
    if "".respond_to?(:safe_constantize)
      def active_model_serializer
      def active_model_serializer
        rescue NameError => e
          raise unless e.message =~ /uninitialized constant/

  # Returns a model serializer for this object considering its namespace.
  def active_model_serializer

  alias :read_attribute_for_serialization :send

module ActiveModel::ArraySerializerSupport
  def active_model_serializer

Array.send(:include, ActiveModel::ArraySerializerSupport)
Set.send(:include, ActiveModel::ArraySerializerSupport)

    :active_record => 'ActiveRecord::Relation',
    :mongoid => 'Mongoid::Criteria'
}.each do |orm, rel_class|
  ActiveSupport.on_load(orm) do
    include ActiveModel::SerializerSupport
    rel_class.constantize.send(:include, ActiveModel::ArraySerializerSupport)

Be sure to remove this code when issue will be fixed.

Sutto commented 9 years ago

There is a potential integration point for this in ActiveModel::Serializer.serializer_for, but I want to test compatibility etc before implementing it first.

Sutto commented 9 years ago

For a start, given there is a work around for this - that is to say, you can manually set :serializer or define your own active_model_serializer method, I'm going to leave this out of 1.12 to avoid accidentally breaking stuff.

I'll retag this to 1.13, and take a look for that in the near future.

Again - patches / specs welcome :)

SirRawlins commented 8 years ago

Just a note, but I'm experimenting with bringing RP up to spec with AMS 0.10.x which has even further interface changes above and beyond 0.9.x

I'll let you know how I get on.