Suyashtnt / kleur

Dark, tonal, beautiful.
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Please add tokenColors to vscode theme #1

Open SergoGansta777 opened 3 months ago

SergoGansta777 commented 3 months ago

Very nice theme, thank you for it.

However, I am now trying to import it in zed for this could you please specify tokenColors for vscode theme?

Something like that CleanShot 2024-04-02 at 21 01 44@2x

Suyashtnt commented 3 months ago

I took what stylix generated and added some overrides. I'll make a properly done theme when I actually have some time lol. It may be a long wait though.

Suyashtnt commented 3 months ago

If you have any pointers on how I could start making some generation stuff easily let me know

SergoGansta777 commented 3 months ago

I understand. Thanks for your reply

Suyashtnt commented 3 months ago

Don't close this. I'll close this when I do actually make a proper theme lol

Suyashtnt commented 2 months ago

Just started working on a proper vscode theme. Theres now a vsix and it'll soon be on the marketplace. I'll figure out how to use tokenColors soon for better highlighting but I've edited the one used from stylix.

SergoGansta777 commented 2 months ago

This is good news. Thanks for your time