Suzhou-Tongyuan / ObjectOriented.jl

Conventional object-oriented programming in Julia without breaking Julia's core design ideas
MIT License
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allow documenting a struct #13

Closed t-bltg closed 7 months ago

t-bltg commented 7 months ago

Fix the following issues with docstrings:

using ObjectOriented

Documented struct fancy docstring
@oodef struct DocumentedStruct
    a :: Int
    Constructor docstring
    function new(x)
        @mk a = 2x

ERROR: LoadError: unrecognised statement in DocumentedStruct definition: Constructor docstring

# and

ERROR: LoadError: cannot document the following expression:

'@oodef' not documentable. See 'Base.@__doc__' docs for details.
thautwarm commented 7 months ago

Looks good