Everything miscellaneous about organizing the API.
[ ] Create communication channels for contributors and wrapper devs
[ ] Mailing list and Discord channel for internal updates aimed at wrapper devs, to hear their feedback on bleeding-edge or planned features and changes and help them update their wrappers better and faster (#TODO)
[ ] Blog with RSS feed on the docs page with news and upcoming features that are already refined (#507)
[ ] TBD: Monetization
[ ] Discuss tiers, features and prices
[ ] Discuss payment processing framework
[ ] Set up payment processing (#509)
[ ] Figure out how the server will know which user has which tier
[ ] Discuss ad placement on docs (is it even worth it?)
[ ] Clarify process for becoming a moderator and what is required of them (#TODO)
[ ] Clarify legality of user submitted content (they need to sign away their rights to the joke)
[ ] Create terms of service (#TODO)
[ ] Update privacy policy (#TODO)
[ ] Use i18next for translations (#498)
Only translate the necessary things that could be shown to an end user
Everything miscellaneous about organizing the API.