PREFIX qudt: <>
PREFIX cim: <>
PREFIX cims: <>
select distinct * {
?p cims:dataType|qudt:hasQuantityKind cim:Money
} order by ?p
Finds 8 Money props:
cim: GeneratingUnit.startupCost
cim: GeneratingUnit.variableCost
nc: GeneratingUnit.normalStartupCost
nc: GeneratingUnit.normalWarmStartupCost
nc: GeneratingUnit.shutdownCost
nc: GeneratingUnit.warmStartupCost
nc: UnitCostTimePoint.startupCost
nc: UnitCostTimePoint.warmStartupCost
None of them has a fixed unit (and there are about 150 currencies, see cim:Money qudt:applicableUnit ?x).
This begs the question: what are these measured in: EUR, USD or some other currency?
This query
props:None of them has a fixed unit (and there are about 150 currencies, see
cim:Money qudt:applicableUnit ?x
). This begs the question: what are these measured in: EUR, USD or some other currency?