Sveino / Nordic44

Synthetic Power System of the Nordic high voltage transmission System
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EIC linked data publication? #12

Open VladimirAlexiev opened 2 years ago

VladimirAlexiev commented 2 years ago

Nordic44-30-HV1_GL.geojson uses <urn:eic:10X1001A1001A38Y> for Statnett. I saw this URN scheme was registered by IANA in Dec 2021: This is great since it allows to make semantic statements directly about this EIC. More statements should be made: all the info from the EIC XML file.

Furthermore, URN are worse than URLs because you cannot resolve them to obtain information. It would be great if ENTSOE would publish EIC data as individual per-EIC pages and semantic formats (eg Turtle, JSON-LD).

Eg here's the data we have at about Statnett (ask me for login and password if interested). The same data is available at .

@prefix tr: <> .
@prefix eic: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

eic:10X1001A1001A38Y a tr:EnergyResource;
  tr:name "STATNETT SF";
  tr:countryCode "NO";
  tr:dateUpdated "2016-10-18"^^xsd:date;
  tr:eic "10X1001A1001A38Y";
  tr:function "System Operator";
  tr:notation "STATNETT_SF";
  tr:description "Transmission System Operator";
  tr:vatNumber "NO7080000923168";
  tr:eicType <> .

eic:50WP00000000883A tr:providerParticipant eic:10X1001A1001A38Y .

eic:50WP00000000685E tr:providerParticipant eic:10X1001A1001A38Y;
  tr:responsibleParticipant eic:10X1001A1001A38Y .

eic:50WG00000001921T tr:responsibleParticipant eic:10X1001A1001A38Y .

## ...  many more tr:providerParticipant and tr:responsibleParticipant statements

  <> eic:10X1001A1001A38Y .

  <> eic:10X1001A1001A38Y .

The last two are results of advanced SHACL validation that we performed:

You can see validation results at, and further details about NO participants eg at

For more details: