SvenDowideit / dockerfiles

dockerfiles that I use
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Couldn't get it working with boot2docker #10

Closed ustun closed 10 years ago

ustun commented 10 years ago

Here is what I have done:

  1. Created a redis with data folder synced.
  2. ssh'ed into boot2docker instance
  3. Run as instructed.
 ✗ docker run -d --name redis  -v ~/redis_data:/data -p 6379:6379 dockerfile/redis
 ✗ boot2docker ssh
Warning: Permanently added '[localhost]:2022' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
                        ##        .
                  ## ## ##       ==
               ## ## ## ##      ===
           /""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
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boot2docker: 1.1.0
             master : 086c429 - Fri Jul  4 01:08:20 UTC 2014
docker@boot2docker:~$ docker run --rm -v $(which docker):/docker -v $(/var/run/docker.sock):/docker.sock -e DOCKER_HOST svendowideit/sam
ba redis
-sh: /var/run/docker.sock: Permission denied
2014/07/04 21:33:19 Error response from daemon: Could not create local directory '' for bind mount: mkdir : no such file or directory!
cpuguy83 commented 10 years ago

I'm going to guess you need to use sudo here since you are doing this directly in a boot2docker shell.

ustun commented 10 years ago

OK, so I think this is a bug in the info output.

It should read:

docker run --rm -v $(which docker):/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock -e DOCKER_HOST svendowideit/samba redis


docker run --rm -v $(which docker):/docker -v $(/var/run/docker.sock):/docker.sock -e DOCKER_HOST svendowideit/samba redis

No $() around /var/run/docker.sock

SvenDowideit commented 10 years ago

@ustun you're right. this is fixed in master one more and I'll make sure the image is rebuilt.

SvenDowideit commented 10 years ago

please re docker pull svendowideit/samba