SvenDowideit / dockerfiles

dockerfiles that I use
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samba container: libdevmapper error on Arch #14

Open nem75 opened 9 years ago

nem75 commented 9 years ago

I have a project where I use Vagrant to fire up the docker containers, including a samba container created by svendowideit/samba. This used to work without flaw on Ubuntu.

After switching to Arch starting up the container which would create a samba container no longer does so but instead shows this in the log:

/docker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I have no idea what to do with that.

A find for the module comes up with


The parameters running the samba container have not changed. The volume mappings

container.volumes = ["/usr/bin/docker:/docker", "/var/run/docker.sock:/docker.sock"]

still point to valid files in the host file system.

Anything else I can do to pinpoint the problem?

Edit: just tried it without Vagrant, same difference.

docker run --rm -v `which docker`:/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/docker.socker svendowideit/samba <name of the target container>

still results in

/docker: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Edit 2:

$ docker --version
Docker version 1.2.0, build fa7b24f
ariddell commented 9 years ago

Getting a similar problem with Docker 1.3.3 on coreos